Friday, 30 March 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Something a little different for this weeks pinterest picks...instead of a favourite board I'm sharing a few of my favourite pinners with super fab boards and pins. Some you may already know, or not...most also have links to their great blogs as well, so you may just find a new pinner to follow or a new blog crush! Click on the links below the pics and explore away! Have a lovely weekend and I will see you back here next

One Little Nest
Chloe Douglas
Zita Chocarro
Dawn Machell
All profile images/designs owned by their respective pinners.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

littletree's blog crush...lotus events

A new post theme crush...I come across so many great blogs inbetween my monthly 'top 5' that I thought a seperate post was in need! I came across Lotus Events only recently but it's one of those blogs that you end up scroling through old posts for a good hour before you realise that time has passed! It is packed full of inspiration, good food, shopping, crafty-ness and thrifty finds...all the stuff I love! Go check it out, I hope you love it too...x

Image and Design owned by Lotus Events

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

a lovely swap...

Happy Wednesday! Thought I would share a few pics of the lovely packages that were exchanged between me and Anna on Monday whilst we had a cuppa in the beautiful city of Cambridge...Anna was worried that asking for a swap of goods rather than payment would be a bit cheeky but I think it's such a great idea between crafts people, plus who doesn't love getting new things?!

Mine is the top one, you can see the print Anna commisioned here...and the bottom pic is my lovely cushion which now sits in pride of place on my bed. Anna also very kindly added a few extra goodies, some lavender hearts and another patchwork star like the one I bought at the Christmas made it market...if you want to see more of Anna's work head over to her facebook page for pictures of more products which are going to be hitting Etsy soon!x

all pictures taken by me

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

colour inspiration...'playground brights'

Image Source Unknown - Please message me if you recognise this pic!

Hello blog peeps, some sunny colours for another sunny day... :) x

Just a quick note to say I am going to be having a quiet week of blogging this week...I will still be posting everyday but if I don't reply or post comments it doesn't mean I don't love you (because I do very much!) I'm just taking some time out to have a bit of a brainstorm and re-think a few things. A mental 'spring clean' if you will...have a lovely week friends xxx

Monday, 26 March 2012

a sneaky peek...

Hello all! Hope you had sunny weekends? Today I am off to Cambridge to meet with Anna of the Patchwork Peacock. You may remember a little while back she commissioned me to make a print (here) for her? I think in the previous post I actually forgot to mention that we are actually doing a little swap, my print for one of her gorgeous cushions! She has recently uploaded some new pics to her facebook page if you want to see more...but I'm sure I will take a few to share with you!

So while I am off having a jolly old time in Cambridge I though I would leave you with a few sneak peeks of my new website design...It's looking a lot better than the old one! What do you think blog friends? x

Friday, 23 March 2012

Before signing off for the week I just wanted to say thank you for all of the lovely comments this week, everyone has been so nice about my new banner design (I'm glad you like it!) and for my sunshine award! And fingers crossed this nice weather will continue...see you next week friends and again I hope you have a lovely weekend! Rebecca x

Ps - Just discovered I have won another Leibster award from Amy at Shiny Orange Dreams!xxx

pinterest pick of the week...

A happy sunny Friday to you all! It has been a glorious week here in the uk, the sun has shined everyday and I actually haven't had to wear a coat when going out (shock!) which has been lovely! To celebrate this lovely sun-filled week and also my sunshine award, today's pinterest picks are all about the sun...the board is obviously called 'Sunshine' but even better is that the boards curator is actually called Ms Sunshine! It doesn't get sunnier than that people...x

I love this last print by Freya Art, walking barefoot in the sun is one of lifes great simple pleasures...
As usual click on the links above for sources, Ms Sunshine has lot's of other lovely boards to browse!
Have a lovely sunny weekend friends!x

Thursday, 22 March 2012

sunshine award answers and winners...

You are my Sunshine Print from DeliveredbyDanielle

So, earlier on today I received a sunshine award from Charmaine at the blog little nest box and before I can pass on my own awards I have a few questions to answer all about my little ol' self!

Colour - At the moment I'm all about the combination of mint and coral...

Animal - It has to be a cat, I love my little Nala bear, plus I not so secretly want the life of a cat!

Non-Alcoholic Drink - TEA! I am English after all!

Facebook or Twitter - Facebook

Getting or Giving Presents - Giving...I love finding the perfect present for someone, wrapping it up all pretty, I even get excited when they're opening it!

Flower - I love Daffodils, they are such happy flowers with little trumpet faces!

Pattern - Anything with a retro or vintage vibe...

Passion - Apart from design I love baking, which if you read here often you will have probably guessed that already! And although I'm now 26 fairycakes are still one of my favourite things to bake!

Number - 3, everything always looks better grouped in a three for some reason...

And without further ado here are my five bloggers who are getting a little sunshine their way!
If you want to take part, just answer the questions above and forward the sunshine award on to 5 more lovely bloggers!x

sunshine award!

Ooh how nice! Have just logged on to discover that the lovely Charmaine from little nest box has given me a Sunshine Award! Hop on over to her blog to see who else received one and to explore Charmaines fab blog if you don't already know about it! I shall be posting my answers and giving my awards out later so stay tuned! x

an little extra sunshine for you all!

beautiful books...children's party cooking

Hello again blog peeps! Now this may not be a true 'beautiful books' post because this book is only really beautiful and special to me, packed with pages of nostalgia from my childhood days...The Sainsbury Book of Children's Party Cooking was the first cookery book that I spent hours pouring over, wishing I could bake everything on every page! Now I just love it for the fantastic 80's styling (cheese and pineapple on a stick anyone?) and reminders of great birthday parties from the past...yes I had a train cake just like the one below and a jelly rabbit with green jelly grass...even taking these pics I still want to bake from it! I think it will definitely be one of those books that will stay with me forever...x

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Etsy...Nikki McWilliams

A Cup of Tea Solves Everything Giclee Print

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope your weeks have been going well so far? If not then the lovely work of Nikki McWilliams will certainly cheer you up no end! You may recognise the print above from various blogs and pinterest boards, it's one of my favourites and is what lead me to discover more of Nikki's great designs!

Nikki's ideas and designs are inspired by 'British culture, contemporary Pop-Art and a lifelong love of having a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.' A lady after my own heart! And as you will see a great lover of classic British here are a few faves from her lovely Etsy shop. If you want to see more of Nikki's fab work then hop on over to her website and blog too!x

Nice Biscuit Cushion

It's Always Cake O'Clock Card
Custard Cream Cushion
Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Cushion
Custard Cream Brooch
Peach Iced Ring Cushion

And last but not least, my absolute favourite...Party Rings!
Hope all that biscuit-y goodness has perked up your day? Right I'm off to put the kettle on for a cuppa
and of course a biscuit or two! See you again soon...x

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

more pattern designs...

Hello blog friends, I have more pattern-y goodness for you today! After experimenting with some old shapes the other week (here) I went back to see what else I had stashed away from uni days that I could re-work and breathe some new life into...and I came across these rather retro shapes that I remember taking from this plate above, (another carboot find...) I love how the most random objects can sometimes inspire the best ideas! As you can see I've had a jolly old time playing around with them, not sure where the darker autumnal colour palette has come from? But I think the browns and oranges work well with the retro style of the shapes so maybe it was subconscious thing...hope you like!x

Images and Photos Copyright of Littletree Designs