Friday, 23 March 2012

Before signing off for the week I just wanted to say thank you for all of the lovely comments this week, everyone has been so nice about my new banner design (I'm glad you like it!) and for my sunshine award! And fingers crossed this nice weather will continue...see you next week friends and again I hope you have a lovely weekend! Rebecca x

Ps - Just discovered I have won another Leibster award from Amy at Shiny Orange Dreams!xxx


  1. Have a lovely sunshiny weekend too! Jo xx

  2. Ooooohh another liebster!
    Where are you going to put all of your awards... It's like the oscars!
    Congrats, and have a lovely weekend :-)

  3. Have a nice we too, Rebecca! X Aurélie


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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