Monday, 26 March 2012

a sneaky peek...

Hello all! Hope you had sunny weekends? Today I am off to Cambridge to meet with Anna of the Patchwork Peacock. You may remember a little while back she commissioned me to make a print (here) for her? I think in the previous post I actually forgot to mention that we are actually doing a little swap, my print for one of her gorgeous cushions! She has recently uploaded some new pics to her facebook page if you want to see more...but I'm sure I will take a few to share with you!

So while I am off having a jolly old time in Cambridge I though I would leave you with a few sneak peeks of my new website design...It's looking a lot better than the old one! What do you think blog friends? x


  1. It looks fab Rebecca! I love the illustrations on the Contact page. x

  2. This looks amazing. Well done- I am in awe. I can't even master Blogger nevermind a website. Nice to have found you too! Jx

  3. Its looking good, just finished doing a new web site it is such a releif when it is done, it gives you a new lease of life!
    enjoy cambridge. x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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