Friday, 23 March 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

A happy sunny Friday to you all! It has been a glorious week here in the uk, the sun has shined everyday and I actually haven't had to wear a coat when going out (shock!) which has been lovely! To celebrate this lovely sun-filled week and also my sunshine award, today's pinterest picks are all about the sun...the board is obviously called 'Sunshine' but even better is that the boards curator is actually called Ms Sunshine! It doesn't get sunnier than that people...x

I love this last print by Freya Art, walking barefoot in the sun is one of lifes great simple pleasures...
As usual click on the links above for sources, Ms Sunshine has lot's of other lovely boards to browse!
Have a lovely sunny weekend friends!x


  1. I LOVE the sun combing his hair!!! :-) x Aurélie

  2. Such lovely finds! Have a great weekend :-)

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    Just wanted to let you know that I've awarded your blog the Leibster Award-hope that you have fun choosing your top 5! Check out the other four blogs that I chose at:


  4. lovely pics. i love the face, 3rd from bottom. going to see if i can track the source down. lovely new blog look, mine needs an overhaul.

  5. Hey Fran, the print is by Blanca Gomez, there is a link through the pinterest board x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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