Wednesday, 28 March 2012

a lovely swap...

Happy Wednesday! Thought I would share a few pics of the lovely packages that were exchanged between me and Anna on Monday whilst we had a cuppa in the beautiful city of Cambridge...Anna was worried that asking for a swap of goods rather than payment would be a bit cheeky but I think it's such a great idea between crafts people, plus who doesn't love getting new things?!

Mine is the top one, you can see the print Anna commisioned here...and the bottom pic is my lovely cushion which now sits in pride of place on my bed. Anna also very kindly added a few extra goodies, some lavender hearts and another patchwork star like the one I bought at the Christmas made it market...if you want to see more of Anna's work head over to her facebook page for pictures of more products which are going to be hitting Etsy soon!x

all pictures taken by me


  1. WOW!!! What a great swap....I love everything here, you are a very lucky girl. Anna is very talented.

  2. They're beautiful!!!! I wish I could sew...
    x Aurélie

  3. Such a lovely swap and the packages are wrapped so prettily too... x


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