Thursday, 22 March 2012

beautiful books...children's party cooking

Hello again blog peeps! Now this may not be a true 'beautiful books' post because this book is only really beautiful and special to me, packed with pages of nostalgia from my childhood days...The Sainsbury Book of Children's Party Cooking was the first cookery book that I spent hours pouring over, wishing I could bake everything on every page! Now I just love it for the fantastic 80's styling (cheese and pineapple on a stick anyone?) and reminders of great birthday parties from the past...yes I had a train cake just like the one below and a jelly rabbit with green jelly grass...even taking these pics I still want to bake from it! I think it will definitely be one of those books that will stay with me forever...x


  1. blimey, that engine cake is a whole other ball game, it must take hours! I love those kind of baking books :)

    If you like, pop over to my blog where I've given you a little ray of sunshine!

  2. i have the EXACT same book at home, and i also used to wish i could have everything in it, when i was younger.
    my mum has the entire collection of these beautiful books. looking at these pictures really brought back some memories.
    haha. such a great post.


    a lovely mixed bag.

  3. Hi I have just discovered your blog, nice work! OMG I love it! Takes me right back to my childhood in the eighties! We had a bunny jelly mold, but the jelly never came out looking like a bunny!


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