Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Etsy...Nikki McWilliams

A Cup of Tea Solves Everything Giclee Print

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope your weeks have been going well so far? If not then the lovely work of Nikki McWilliams will certainly cheer you up no end! You may recognise the print above from various blogs and pinterest boards, it's one of my favourites and is what lead me to discover more of Nikki's great designs!

Nikki's ideas and designs are inspired by 'British culture, contemporary Pop-Art and a lifelong love of having a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.' A lady after my own heart! And as you will see a great lover of classic British here are a few faves from her lovely Etsy shop. If you want to see more of Nikki's fab work then hop on over to her website and blog too!x

Nice Biscuit Cushion

It's Always Cake O'Clock Card
Custard Cream Cushion
Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Cushion
Custard Cream Brooch
Peach Iced Ring Cushion

And last but not least, my absolute favourite...Party Rings!
Hope all that biscuit-y goodness has perked up your day? Right I'm off to put the kettle on for a cuppa
and of course a biscuit or two! See you again soon...x


  1. love it! oh my... look at that party ring cushion, amazing!
    I do love that custard cream though x

  2. Her work is lovely - I love the ring cushions... x

  3. They are great very nostalgic! remind me of packed lunches!

  4. Being Scottish I'd pick the Tunnock's Caramel Wafer every time! x

  5. Lovely post- thanks for including my work, Rebecca!

  6. The first picture si sooo nice !!!
    It remembers me my papers on my desk at the office, full of coffee spots. :-)


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