Tuesday, 20 March 2012

more pattern designs...

Hello blog friends, I have more pattern-y goodness for you today! After experimenting with some old shapes the other week (here) I went back to see what else I had stashed away from uni days that I could re-work and breathe some new life into...and I came across these rather retro shapes that I remember taking from this plate above, (another carboot find...) I love how the most random objects can sometimes inspire the best ideas! As you can see I've had a jolly old time playing around with them, not sure where the darker autumnal colour palette has come from? But I think the browns and oranges work well with the retro style of the shapes so maybe it was subconscious thing...hope you like!x

Images and Photos Copyright of Littletree Designs


  1. Oh they are lovely Rebecca! I think they'd be brilliant as wrapping paper or cards. x

  2. They're lovely! I hardly ever look at old stuff I've designed - usually it just makes me cringe but your work is divine! x

  3. I love this pattern, so nice!! And the plate is really great!


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