Friday, 29 June 2012

**new cards in the shop now**


A quick message to say that I have finally listed my new cards in the shop! They were all ready to go before my holiday but didn't think it was worth listing them and then putting the shop in 'holiday mode' here they are! Do try and stop by for a peak over the weekend if you have time! xxx


pinterest pick of the week...

Karelianlintu Print

Happy Friday blog peeps! Hope you have all had a good weekend and fingers crossed for an even better weekend! This weeks pins are via Paper Crave (awesome blog!) and feature these stunning limited edition prints by Sanna Annukka. I have been a fan of Sanna's scandi style for years but these prints have to be my favourite by far, wish I could afford one! If you haven't come across Sanna's work before then I highly suggest a trip to her website. Have a great weekend and see you all next week xxx

Saimaanlintu Print
Lapinlintu Print
All images from Sanna Annukka via Paper Crave
Pins are from my board Birds and more... 


Thursday, 28 June 2012

a littletree postcard...

Hello everyone! I'm back from my hols and super busy trying to catch up with my e-mails, e-course and other e-things! I have loved reading all of your comments on my new prints in progress, I'm so glad that you seem to like them so BIG thanks for that! And I can't wait to catch up on all of your blogs too...

I have just been going through my many pictures from holiday and I hope to do a longer post on all the goings on next week, but for now here is a little postcard from me to you! This is the view from the house we were staying in, isn't it just breathtaking? You can literally see for was heaven floating in the pool and gazing at these wonderful surroundings! Sorry if this is making you super jealous...but it's back to reality for now *sigh* nose is back to the grindstone as we speak! x


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

new prints...for kids!

image copyright littletree designs

image copyright littletree designs

So today is the last of my new prints preview, I doodled these a while back and thought they were ideal for kids...I haven't really done anything specifically for kids before so would love to hear what you think!

I am probably fast asleep right now having arrived back late last night/early this morning...or I could be wide awake after having a rude awakening from the cat/dog/chickens...I can't wait to see what you have all commented on and what amazing posts you have been writing! Rebecca x


Tuesday, 26 June 2012

new prints...big things...

image copyright littletree designs

A nice reminder that many things start out small in life until you nuture them to grow...x


Monday, 25 June 2012

new prints...say yes more

image copyright littletree designs

Welcome to a new week blog peeps! I'm still on my hols until mid-week so I am continuing with sharing my new print designs with you until then...hope you have been enjoying them so far! Have a good week everyone x


Friday, 22 June 2012

new prints...see the world

image copyright littletree designs

Happy Friday all! Hope you have a great weekend xxx


Thursday, 21 June 2012

new prints...take more risks

image copyright littletree designs

Day two of my new work and some very good advice! Although I don't always practise what I preach it is a good reminder to not always play it safe...x


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

new laugh love

image copyright littletree designs

So today is the first of my little preview of the new designs I have been working on I said yesterday I have only been working in black and white at the moment so any ideas you have about colour I would be glad to hear! I really hope you like the new stuff and I look forward to your comments when I get back next Wednesday x


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

off on my hols!

image copyright littletree designs

Yes that's right blog friends I am off on holiday! As you may be able to tell from the illustration above I am going to Spain! My friends parents live out there so we are off to visit for a cheap holiday...their place is right up in the mountains (not sure which part of Spain!) and you can see for it's super quiet, just the breeze and goat bells from the farm next door! I plan on plenty of sun bathing, book reading and general lazing around, heaven...

Do not fret I am not going to abandon you for a week without any posts to read...I am going to post a picture of a new print design everyday and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on them! The prints are in my recent style of doodly handdrawn letters and have a sort of inspirational quote the moment they are just in black and white, still having trouble deciding on colours!

I will be back soon to read all of your lovely comments and catch up on your great blogs, plus, Module 2 of my e-course started yesterday so I shall be catching up with that...have a great week and see you soon!

Rebecca xxx


Monday, 18 June 2012

littletree visits...the Helen Rollason Vintage Fair

Hellooo blog peeps! Hope you had fabulous weekends, I am super happy (as you can tell...) because the sun came out and so we all got to go to the Helen Rollason Vintage Fair yesterday! It was all in aid of the local charity so the turn out is always good and all within the grounds of the historical Cressing Temple barns.

I apologise in advance because today's post is rather picture heavy but bear with there are some amazing pics of a super dinky retro caravan towards the end...enjoy!

The inside of one of the amazing barns...

The cutest Ice Cream van EVER!

And some of the sweetest donkeys...aww

The dinkiest, most retro thing on two wheels!

I love EVERYTHING about this caravan! From the welcome mat to the crochet seat covers and all the general vintage knick knacks! I could have stayed in there all day, especially as the kettle had just boiled...Hope you have enjoyed my weekend snapshots!x

Oooh I also won this fabulous totebag and earrings giveaway (below) over on Hello Olive! The Totebag was designed by Colleen who runs Hello Olive and she is planning to open her own Etsy shop very soon! The cute earrings are by Bow Peep, check out the shop and blog, you won't be disappointed!x

image from Hello Olive


Friday, 15 June 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

DIY and Image source HERE

Hello again Friday! And yes the sun has finally decided to show up! I'm hoping it will stick around until Sunday for Fathers Day and also an outdoor vintage fair in aid of a local charity. I went to the first one last year (see here) and it was excellent so hopefully the weather will be nice and I will have some photos to share with you on Monday...Back to today and these pretty papercut gems!

This is actually a little DIY (including templates) from the blog Mini-eco which I discovered through this pin, check out the DIY and blog through the links above. Hope you all have a fab weekend blog peeps! x


Thursday, 14 June 2012

littletree bakes...chocolate banana nut muffins

Hello all...I think everyone at some point during the week has a banana or two that has gone a tad past it's best, during the summer the solution is easy, pop it in a delicious smoothie! But seeing as the weather has been so rubbish I'm not really in the mood for a cold smoothie... so instead I trawled the recipes books for ideas and since I'm not the biggest fan of cooked banana what better way to disguise them with than chocolate in these fab muffins!

This recipe is adapted from my old faithful muffin book, Muffins Fast and Fantastic and I must say they have turned out rather well...I have been super naughty and topped them with Nutella and nuts but then I know you will all agree with me that there is no such thing as too much Nutella! Hope you enjoy baking them or just enjoy drooling over the pictures...yum x

  • 9oz Self Raising Flour
  • 4-5oz Caster Sugar
  • 4-5 tbsp of Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 3floz of Vegetable Oil or Melted Butter
  • 8floz Milk
  • 2 ripe Bananas, mashed
  • Chopped nuts and Nutella (optional)

  • Preheat the oven to 190-200c and line a 12 hole muffin tin.
  • Weigh out all the dry ingredients into a large bowl, stir to combine together.
  • In a jug first measure your oil and then the milk, they will sit separate from each other but just whisk before adding to bring them together.
  • In a separate cup whisk the egg and vanilla until fluffy.
  • Mash the bananas.
  • Make a well in the dry ingredients and add in all the liquid ingredients and the banana.
  • Stir until just combined, no flour should be visible but the mix will look lumpy.
  • Spoon into cases and pop in the oven for 20-25mins.
  • Once cool top with Nutella and sprinkle with chopped nuts if you wish...if you prefer you could add the chopped nuts (or chocolate chips) into the mix before baking.

all pics taken by me x

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

chicken update!

'we're a bit fed up with all this rain!'

Hello blog peeps, I thought today I would give you all a little update on our clan of cheeky chickens! As you can see from the picture below they have had a rather grand extension on their coop, complete with waterproof panels to keep them dry. So they now have plenty of room to flap about or just scrabble in the gravel...this is by far their favourite past time, sometimes it looks like a small bomb had gone off in the run, the size of the craters they dig!
And as you can see from the pic of Aggy (below - top right) she has been attempting to tunnel out and got herself covered in mud!

 All pics taken by me!

Do you like my red Crocs? The choocks certainly do...they like to see if they can get my toes through the holes in the front...this is what is going through the minds of Abigail and Aggy in the bottom left picture...'mmm yummy toes!' Most of the time they are just interested in food or escaping...they are now allowed out in the evening before their bedtime and they love running around the garden, they look so funny when they run! And they can really've got to be quick to catch them! Hope you have enjoyed this little catch up, do any of you have chickens? I would love to hear some of your stories!x

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

colour inspiration...'stamp happy hues'

image HERE

Hello again blog peeps, today I have an all in one colour inspiration/stamp DIY/new blog crush combo! First of all how cute is this picture of all these little stamps?! So pretty I had to make a colour palette...I found the pic through pinterest so I followed it back to the source and found this great DIY to make the stamps... plus the blog the diy came from is just beautiful!

Minna May's blog is just packed with pretty pictures, fashion, interiors and updates on her own work. She actually runs 3 shops on Etsy (!) floret letterpress, eatpraycreate - rubber stamps and Minco - a beautiful jewellery shop...Phew...she's one busy lady! I have given you quite a lot of links to go off and explore today, hope it doesn't distract you from work too much! Enjoy x

Monday, 11 June 2012

Etsy...Nell & Mary

Hello Monday and hello to a new week! Hope you all had a good weekend even if you were trapped in because of the weather. Today I am sharing the work of Nell & Mary, a recent 'favourite' of mine over on Etsy...I just love the simple but detailed line drawings highlighted with pops of tomato red, turquoise and mustard the products are so beautifully styled and photographed, doesn't it make you want one of everything?

I have picked a few of my faves to share with you below but I urge you to pop by their shop and explore more. Have a great week everyone...less rain please this is June!x

A selection of beautiful Tea Towels

A pile of yummy Pillows and a rather cute dog!

All Photos and Designs Copyright Nell & Mary.
All images from Nell & Mary's Etsy shop. x

Friday, 8 June 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

image HERE

Hello all and hello Friday! First things first...a HUGE thank you to everyone for their lovely comments on my new Etsy products, so great to hear all your love, it has put a massive grin on my face for days! And I will of course let you all know when they are up on my virtual shelves!

Second things second...As many of you may or may not know I LOVE Hayao Miyazaki and many other Studio Ghibli films but one of my favourites has to be My Neighbor is the sweetest story ever...two little girls move to the countryside and discover a spirit that lives in an enormous tree, a rather big, furry, rain loving spirit called Totoro, with whom they have fantastic adventures. Plus there is another creature..a catbus, yup a cat the size of an actual bus, all furry and everything...who wouldn't want that to be real?! So when I saw this Totoro 'digital cut-out' by pronouncedyou I had to pin it so I could look at it all the time! Find it here on my pinterest board Prints, Patterns and more...

If you haven't seen this film I urge you to give it a watch...especially if you have little ones, they will love it!
Have a Totoro-ific weekend everyone!x

Thursday, 7 June 2012

*NEW ETSY PRODUCTS* retro kitchen...

Today the Retro Kitchen has returned...and in two colourways! I loved this design so much I decided to make not only a print but recipe cards and hopefully tea towels! I'm having the fabric printed through Spoonflower so if you want to buy a yard and sew-it-yourself then that will be available once I have had the test swatches through...otherwise I will be making the others myself and selling the finished product in my Etsy shop. I'm still tweaking, print testing and (like I said before) waiting for fabric swatches, but once they are ready you guys will be the first to know!  Hope you are excited as I am about all these new products, I would love to know whatt you think! x

All images and designs Copyright Littletree Designs

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Hello lovely blog peeps! Did you all have a lovely long weekend? Here in the uk, as I'm sure most of you know, it was the Queen's Jubilee...although I had to work some of it I still got to enjoy the festivities and there has been bunting galore, which is enough to keep me happy!

Today and tomorrow I have some new products to share with you... Today is all about what I'm calling 'minicards', notecards and magnets. I said I had been busy last week!

Minicards - A7 in size and perfect for that little message to pop in the post...sold in a pack of 6 for £5, 3 of each design and available in two colourways.

Notecards - A6 in size for a real good catch up note...sold in a pack of 4 for £6...available in a variety of designs.

Magnets - Based on the little speach bubbles designed for my minicards...add to any photo for some extra fun and humour!

All images and designs Copyright Littletree Designs

I'm still print testing and tweaking a few things plus I am waiting on a delivery of envelopes, can't really sell cards without the envelopes...didn't think that one I am hoping to get some products up in my Etsy shop by the end of the week! Fingers crossed that the weather perks up so I can take some nice pictures...What do you think of the new stuff? Hope you like them!x

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

littletree's blog concrete sky

Ok so I just couldn't wait until tomorrow to share this Blog Crush! Yet another find through the amazing  Rachael Taylor Design's blog...My Concrete Sky. As you can see from the blog header below My Concrete Sky is a real visual treat, filled with beautiful photos and inspirational words it is the kind of place to visit when you are in need of a virtual pick me up. I guarantee it will put a smile on your face...x

image from my concrete sky