Friday, 15 June 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

DIY and Image source HERE

Hello again Friday! And yes the sun has finally decided to show up! I'm hoping it will stick around until Sunday for Fathers Day and also an outdoor vintage fair in aid of a local charity. I went to the first one last year (see here) and it was excellent so hopefully the weather will be nice and I will have some photos to share with you on Monday...Back to today and these pretty papercut gems!

This is actually a little DIY (including templates) from the blog Mini-eco which I discovered through this pin, check out the DIY and blog through the links above. Hope you all have a fab weekend blog peeps! x



  1. Love those gems and its a great blog - lots of brilliant ideas. Hope you get some nice weather on Sunday for the vintage fair, look forward to seeing pics. Have a fab weekend xx

  2. I love Mini Eco - her crafts are always great! There's a Mini Eco book too but I have forgotten the name... x

    1. Ooh a book!? Will try and hunt that down, loved the crafts on her blog!

  3. This is cute! Tempted to give these a go myself!


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