Tuesday, 12 June 2012

colour inspiration...'stamp happy hues'

image HERE

Hello again blog peeps, today I have an all in one colour inspiration/stamp DIY/new blog crush combo! First of all how cute is this picture of all these little stamps?! So pretty I had to make a colour palette...I found the pic through pinterest so I followed it back to the source and found this great DIY to make the stamps... plus the blog the diy came from is just beautiful!

Minna May's blog is just packed with pretty pictures, fashion, interiors and updates on her own work. She actually runs 3 shops on Etsy (!) floret letterpress, eatpraycreate - rubber stamps and Minco - a beautiful jewellery shop...Phew...she's one busy lady! I have given you quite a lot of links to go off and explore today, hope it doesn't distract you from work too much! Enjoy x


  1. Good idea ! And Thanks fot sharing Minna's blog, it's really nice !

  2. What a great photo and colour palette... lovely. Will also definately pop over to Minnas blog!

  3. Love your colour palette and that is a great picture of the stamps. Would like to try and make my own some time. Off to check out Minnas blog. xx

  4. Oh dear...I'm trying to do some work now and getting very easily distracted so I guess I'll just have to run with it because this looks like a very interesting blog. Thanks for sharing!

  5. these are lovely - when I saw the title of today's blog I thought you had got in to philately (is that what you call it - stamp collecting). I don't know what started me off but I have been on to ebay looking for stamps from Japan and Nederlands and they are so pretty - lovely pictures and brilliant colour schemes, I think you would like them... x

  6. Wow it must be my lucky day, I have just found your blog....I adore the colour palette, it's so happy and retro! Thank you for the link over to the DIY, I can show this to my little preschoolers, we have just completed potato printing. I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past hour and have just realised I haven't even had my morning cuppa. I am passionate about designing and making children's clothes, I collect pieces of vintage and retro. My latest project renovating an old fibro beach shack in retro style. I am not following you, can't wait to see more ovely drooly stuff.

  7. Thanks for all of your comments! Had no idea stamp collecting was known as 'philately'!x

    Soos_green - thanks for the tip! Love all things Japanese so im sure the stamps will be super cute!

    Rowantree Design - So nice to hear you like my blog so much! Thanks for following, I'm off to check your blog out now!x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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