Wednesday, 13 June 2012

chicken update!

'we're a bit fed up with all this rain!'

Hello blog peeps, I thought today I would give you all a little update on our clan of cheeky chickens! As you can see from the picture below they have had a rather grand extension on their coop, complete with waterproof panels to keep them dry. So they now have plenty of room to flap about or just scrabble in the gravel...this is by far their favourite past time, sometimes it looks like a small bomb had gone off in the run, the size of the craters they dig!
And as you can see from the pic of Aggy (below - top right) she has been attempting to tunnel out and got herself covered in mud!

 All pics taken by me!

Do you like my red Crocs? The choocks certainly do...they like to see if they can get my toes through the holes in the front...this is what is going through the minds of Abigail and Aggy in the bottom left picture...'mmm yummy toes!' Most of the time they are just interested in food or escaping...they are now allowed out in the evening before their bedtime and they love running around the garden, they look so funny when they run! And they can really've got to be quick to catch them! Hope you have enjoyed this little catch up, do any of you have chickens? I would love to hear some of your stories!x


  1. We had bantam hens when I was a little girl, it was so fun collecting the eggs! When we have a garden I think we will think about getting some chickens.

  2. Aawww look at your ickle chickens!
    I keep thinking we should get some chickens but probably need to sort out the garden first, find a little space for them!
    Lovely post :-)


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