Monday, 11 June 2012

Etsy...Nell & Mary

Hello Monday and hello to a new week! Hope you all had a good weekend even if you were trapped in because of the weather. Today I am sharing the work of Nell & Mary, a recent 'favourite' of mine over on Etsy...I just love the simple but detailed line drawings highlighted with pops of tomato red, turquoise and mustard the products are so beautifully styled and photographed, doesn't it make you want one of everything?

I have picked a few of my faves to share with you below but I urge you to pop by their shop and explore more. Have a great week everyone...less rain please this is June!x

A selection of beautiful Tea Towels

A pile of yummy Pillows and a rather cute dog!

All Photos and Designs Copyright Nell & Mary.
All images from Nell & Mary's Etsy shop. x


  1. Very nice! haven't seen that shop before, need some cheering up this morning, kids still off school and so wet!!

  2. Oh lovely colours and cushions. Me likey! x

  3. Great find! So many lovely goodies... x


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