Tuesday, 19 June 2012

off on my hols!

image copyright littletree designs

Yes that's right blog friends I am off on holiday! As you may be able to tell from the illustration above I am going to Spain! My friends parents live out there so we are off to visit for a cheap holiday...their place is right up in the mountains (not sure which part of Spain!) and you can see for miles...plus it's super quiet, just the breeze and goat bells from the farm next door! I plan on plenty of sun bathing, book reading and general lazing around, heaven...

Do not fret I am not going to abandon you for a week without any posts to read...I am going to post a picture of a new print design everyday and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on them! The prints are in my recent style of doodly handdrawn letters and have a sort of inspirational quote theme...at the moment they are just in black and white, still having trouble deciding on colours!

I will be back soon to read all of your lovely comments and catch up on your great blogs, plus, Module 2 of my e-course started yesterday so I shall be catching up with that...have a great week and see you soon!

Rebecca xxx



  1. Have a lovely relaxing week, It sounds amazing! Look forward to seeing your new print designs. xx

  2. enjoy, don't forget to come home!

  3. Have a super holiday... don't work too hard :)

  4. I am jealous! It sounds like a fab place to spend a week. Have a great time! x

  5. love the illustration! Have a great time xx

  6. Have a fab holiday!

  7. lovely picture! Have a brilliant time x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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