Friday, 30 November 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Calendars 2013

How gorgeous is this 365 Days of Sunshine calendar from little things studio? I spotted it over at Print & Pattern yesterday and had to see more...I just love the colour paletteof hot pinks and yellow teamed with more subtle beige and brown tones. And for those of us living in the UK we often need a reminder that the sun is up there! Hope you all have a lovely sunny weekend friends, see you next week for Decembers top 5 blogs and a button-tastic DIY! x


Thursday, 29 November 2012

a little something in the post...

photos by me / postcard designs copyright Rachael Taylor Designs

Oooh what could this be? I pondered yesterday when this little envelope dropped on my doormat...a lovely little surprise parcel of postcards by Rachael Taylor! As you may remember Rachael was one of the tutors on my recent e-course 'The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design' and so to celebrate the end of our course and as a thank you Rachael and Beth had sent out these little packages, how nice of them! Big thanks again to them both for running such a wonderful course!x


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

littletree designs...xmas wrap and tags

image and design copyright Littletree Designs

Hello again friends, today I am sharing some pics of the wrap I have designed for my presents this year...I am lucky as we have an A3 printer at home so I can print relatively large sheets. The design was originally on a white background but I thought I would try it on brown paper to see how the colours came out and being a brown paper fan I loved the results! Unfortunately I didn't have any brown card for the tags but the contrast is quite nice. I was wondering about maybe offering the patterns for sale on Etsy for you to print at home...what do you think?x


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

littletree's little things...

So for the four 'little things' that have been making me happy this week I have one big thing that hasn't...we still don't have a date for our move! It is dragging on FOREVER and Christmas is looming...never mind there is nothing we can do but wait, I think it's the helplessness that makes it worse! Anyway, enough moaning there are plenty more things to be happy about!

1// pic taken by me  2//  3// pic taken by me  4// of the biggest happy moments of the past week was getting to see First Aid Kit LIVE and singing along of course... chocolate goodness, perfect for warming up on these wild and windy nights...

...still getting eggs from our little chickens even though the weather has turned and nothing beats a super fresh oozy cheese omelet for dinner...

...and finally I am eternally grateful to whoever invented thermals, you are my hero! I can't help it I'm a cold person and these things matter...

A bit of a funny old mix this week but then isn't that the point? All those odd little things that perk up our days and make life a little sweeter. Happy days to you all!x

PS - Check out how Jen is getting on with her 52 Weeks of Happy this week too!


Monday, 26 November 2012

littletree visits...Liberty's for Christmas

Happy Monday blog peeps! Hope you had a good weekend? So as I mentioned in my First Aid Kit post last week I was in London and so of course it being Christmas time I had to stop by the beautiful Liberty's. Every year the store is transformed into a Christmas wonderland with every surface covered in fairy lights and sparkle, it is a truly magical place...even more magical for me because they had a pop up RE shop!

I'm sure I have waffled on about RE before so I won't bore you again, just to say that RE sells a lovely mix of vintage, re-cycled, re-loved and up-cycled products that I know you will all drool over...lucky for us they have an online shop here so you can see what all the fuss is about! I am particularly drooling over the big white paper baubles in the bottom left pic...and they were very reasonable too!

Out from Liberty's is the always exciting Carnaby Street which this year has been decorated to reflect the streets musical heritage with giant gold disks floating in a cluster above our heads...we stopped at Carnaby Burger Co. for dinner and left completely stuffed! You know when something tastes so good that you just have to eat it all? That's what this was there was a great selection of traditional burgers, chicken and plenty of veggie options, which shows a good restaurant in my books! Hope you have enjoyed my little picture jaunt around London, pop by tomorrow for this weeks 'little things'...x


Friday, 23 November 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

find pin on my board Christmas Stuff...

Happy Friday blog peeps! Now I know it isn't quite full on Christmas season yet but I had to share this image from the Free People blog...I love this creative take on a Christmas Tree using bits and bobs from around the home, photos and decorations...I think there is even a plug socket in there too?! Like they say on the Free People blog 'they're like the tree and ornaments all in one!'

This would be lovely to build gradually over the month so by the 25th you will have a full tree...and I'm sure the kids would love to get involved, adding a decoration a day rather than an advent calendar! I hope you all have great weekends and I'll see you back here soon...x


Thursday, 22 November 2012

littletree visits...London to see First Aid Kit!

Hello lovely bloggers...So if you follow me on twitter you will know that on Tuesday I went to see the fabulous First Aid Kit in London! Eeeep! My friend and I were so excited and we were definitely not disappointed, the wonderful Klara and Johanna were on top form and the venue was buzzing...the support act Amanda Bergman (aka Idiot Wind) was also amazingly talented and she came out for the encore to sing one of my favourite FAK songs 'King of the World'...

We were also treated to a beautiful cover of Simon and Garfunkel's 'America' by the FAK girls, which you can listen to above...I love the original song anyway so it was really extra special! This video was from the First Aid Kit You Tube channel where they have lot's more music if you fancy a listen! I do hope you do! x


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

littletree bakes...toffee apple muffins

So yesterday I teased you with a sneak preview of these Toffee Apple Muffins and I promise they do not disappoint! They are possibly even better than the Nutella Muffins I baked a few weeks back...and I am a BIG Nutella fan so that says alot!

The idea for these came about when I had one stray (past it's best) apple, half a packet of fudge plus my desire for something slightly spicy and autumnal to scoff with a warm glass of apple juice one afternoon...and so the Toffee Apple Muffin was born! Ok, enough rambling from me, here's the recipe...

  • 9oz Self Raising Flour
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • 4oz Caster Sugar 
  • A pinch of Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 3 fl oz Vegetable/Sunflower Oil
  • 5 fl oz Milk
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Large Apple
  • 8-10 Fudge Chunks

Let's Bake!  
  • Preheat your oven to 190-200c and line a 12 hole muffin tin.
  • In a large bowl combine the Flour, Baking Powder, Sugar, Salt and Cinnamon. Stir until well combined.
  • In a separate jug measure out the Oil, Milk and add in the Egg, give a quick whisk to combine.
  • Chop the Fudge chunks into small pieces, put aside. Chop the Apple into roughly similar sized chunks to the fudge, put aside.
  • Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add your Oil, Milk and Egg mix. Stir until just combined.
  • Now add in your Fudge and Apple, stir a few times to evenly distribute the chunks of goodness...this is a thick batter but remember the apple will release moisture during cooking.
  • Divide the mix equally between the muffin cases and pop in the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden.
  • Leave to cool on a wire rack and resist if you can!

Optional Brown Sugar Cinnamon Glaze
  •  3oz Icing Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Brown Sugar
  • A Pinch of Cinnamon
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and gradually add hot water a teaspoon at a time and stir until the brown sugar dissolves. You want a runny liquid that's easy to drizzle over the cool muffins and makes them super sticky!

I really hope you try this one, they are super scrummy!x

All pictures taken by me


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

new collection...bird city

Image Copyright Littletree Designs

Hello blog peeps! Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday it has all been a bit manic this weekend! Hope you all had slightly less stressful ones than me...anyhow today I have a sneaky peek of a new pattern collection I have been working on called 'Bird City' featuring all of these cute little bird houses. I started this design originally for a Spoonflower comp but couldn't get along with the set colour palette so I kept the idea to develop myself! What do you think friends, I always value your opinions!

In another sneak peek this picture below is of this weeks upcoming littletree bakes post...TOFFEE APPLE MUFFINS! Stop by tomorrow for the recipe, you won't be sorry! x

pic by me!


Friday, 16 November 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Pin from my board Random Stuff...

Well seeing as it is Movember I had to share this fab picture for everyone out there who cannot grow a mustache! And as most of us are ladies I'm guessing thats us! And anyway who doesn't love a little mustache fun? I'm off to my Grandads 80th Birthday party on Saturday which is going to be a big family fest!

Hope you all have great weekends to! x


Thursday, 15 November 2012

colour inspiration...'fig hues'

image source

How gorgeous are these figs?! I love the way they have been styled on this photo with the 2 tone background blending was just all so pretty I of course had to put together a little colour palette. Unfortunately the link from the pin just goes to a blank page so if anyone notices this image from somewhere then let me know and I will credit it properly!x

(Source Found! Thanks to Carla of the Polkadot Lighthouse!)


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

littletree discovers...yay retro!

Fiesta Coffee Set HERE

**I am warning all vintage/retro lovers now that this post contains an amazing amount of lovely vintage gorgeousness and that purses should be safely out of arms reach in case of serious inpulse spending!**

All done? Good, now with that out of the way I feel it is safe to share with you my most recent shop discovery...Yay Retro! The name makes me smile and even once you have 'stepped inside' the smiles just keep on the prices are very reasonable, two the styling of the photos with the fab wallpapers is awesome and three the people behind Yay Retro just have an eye for the best vintage china, glassware and kitchenalia around! 

I'm a little in love with this coffee set above and at £30 you can see why! If you have a friend who loves their vintage and you want to get them a little something for Christmas (or even if you just want to treat yourself!) then here are my favourite £10-£15 Gift Ideas... if you are feeling super retro...

 Hope you enjoyed this retro-fest, I'm sure it's safe to bring out the purses now...or maybe not...x
All images from Yay Retro

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

littletree's little things...

This Tuesday I am checking in with 4 of my 'little things' in keeping with Jen's 52 weeks of happy posts...

image HERE

...Wellies! With the weather now in full winter mode I am so grateful for my Joules wellies that are as practical as they are pretty!...

...squishing in the mud with said wellies, yes I am 5 years old at heart...

...having a living, purring hot water bottle in the form of my cat Nala Bear...

...and finally, going to a friends to watch the new Greys Anatomy and getting freshly baked biscuits to enjoy with it!...

What things have been making you happy this week?


Monday, 12 November 2012

littletree loves...sarah moore vintage

1// Image from GoodHomes magazine  2// Image from Sarah Moore Vintage

Hello again everyone, hope you had good weekends? I though I would share this gorgeous lampshade tree with you today, even though I found it in the Good Homes mag weeks ago and have been desperate to show you I thought it was too early...but now it's the second week of November we are all well and truly into the whole christmas vibe so it's kind of is designed and made by Sarah Moore who is queen of upcycled vintage in my book and this christmas tree made from old lampshades is just wonderful!

The shades stacked up on top of one another make just the right tree shape and it comes decorated with vintage baubles galore too...I love the way it has been styled in the magazine (which if you haven't got it yet then hurry on down to the shops now!) with extra pom pom trim and sat next to that super pink velvet chair!

Plus I thought it could be something that you can make yourself, over the year collecting old lampshades and decorating them gradually...what do your think? Are you as smitten as I am!?


Friday, 9 November 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

find pin on my board Prints and Illustration...

Happy Friday everyone! And in keeping with the happy theme I have this fab illustration by Debbie Powell of some super smiley kitchen utensils...these happy little guys are part of a range that Debbie designed for Jamie Oliver back in 2010, you can see more here...and while you're there why not check out more of her fab work and gorgeous blog! Have a great weekend friends, see you again next week!x


Thursday, 8 November 2012

work in progress...tigerprint competition

All images Copyright Littletree Designs

Just a quick post today as I have lot's to do, so I thought I would share a sneak peak of some cards featuring my handdrawn lettering for the upcoming Tigerprint competition...on the left are the (sort of) finished products and then the original drawings/doodles on the right. You can see I have quite a few ideas so it's a good thing we can enter up to 5 designs! What do you think friends?x


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

littletree's study area

1//  2//  (1&2 Image Here)  3//  4//  5//  6//

Now I haven't done a wishlist in aaaages so today I am reviving it and bringing you a lovely list of studio/study related items that I am coveting for my new space when I move...

Some of the items I already have such as the Micke desk from Ikea (5) and the retro orange Anglepoise (4) which was one of my best carboot finds at £4!

I am also in desperate need of more storage which the Alex drawers from Ikea (2) will be perfect for, they look great here being used as extra table space for the printer etc...and I love the wire strung above them (1) used for displaying inspirational images, orders, colour palettes and more!

Of course I will need some new artwork in this space and what better than this Weapons of Mass Creation print (3) by Bianca Green, as much as I love my laptop I still draw most things by hand first with my favourite UniPin pens.

And finally this blue beauty...(6) sold by Bluesuntree it isn't an original Eames but a faithful reproduction and slightly more affordable for those on a tight budget like myself!

Hope you liked this little round up of goodies...see you again soon x


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

colour inspiration / blog crush...Coco Rose Diaries

image HERE

This post is a bit of a mix between my usual Colour Inspirations post and a Blog Crush...It all started when I found this pretty image of stacked china via pinterest, which took me not only to the original source immediately (yey!) but to the wonderful world of Vanessa and her blog Coco Rose Diaries. She blogs about her family, crafting, cooking and takes beautiful photographs of it all...she also admits to having a cup obsession which I know is something we can all relate to! Do stop by for a read it truly is a lovely blog. x


Monday, 5 November 2012

Littletree's Top 5 Blogs...November

Well it's the first Monday and new week of November...oh dear the year is just wizzing by! I'm trying not to think about it but christmas is everywhere! And I suppose I can allow it now that Halloween is over and Bonfire Night is here...I love bonfire night, it's tradition to have at least a packet of sparklers to enjoy in the garden and sausages in rolls dipped into hot tomato soup, delish... Anyway, on to what you are all waiting for, this months top 5 blogs!

Lot's of lovely DIY's and crafty goodness, interiors and stuff for the kiddiwinks.

Surface pattern-y designer goodness...

Two amazing sites dedicated to inspirational images to get those creative juices flowing!

A lovely blog filled with a mix of designs, shops, makes and bakes, vintage finds and photos.

 Hope you find a new favourite!x


Friday, 2 November 2012

vote for me!

Copyright Littletree Designs

Another quick post before the weekend...the current Spoonflower competition is up and my design is ready for your lovely votes! Please spare a few minutes to pop by HERE and vote for me and any other fabulous patterns you love! Big thanks in advance!xx


pinterest pick of the week...

Above designs all by Ampersand Design Studio

These patterns have to be some of my all time favourite pins on my pinterest board Pattern... and I have alot of pins! These were taken from a fab post over on Print & Pattern and features the 'Cream and Sugar' fabric collection by the super Ampersand Design Studio. I love everything about this collection, colour palette, the typography, retro teapots, endless funky cups and of course the tea itself! Have a bright and colourful weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday for Novembers Top 5 Blogs! xx

ps - thanks for all your lovely comments on the muffins post yesterday!


Thursday, 1 November 2012

littletree bakes...nutella filled oatmeal muffins

Well here it is, the recipe you have been waiting for this week...Nutella filled Oatmeal muffins! The goodness of oats with the wickedly gooey centre of Nutella make these the perfect naughty and nice treat...this recipe was adapted from my trusty copy of Muffins Fast and Fantastic, which if you haven't bought yet I urge you to do so!

  • 2oz/60g Rolled Oats
  • 9 fl oz/260ml Milk
  • 8oz/225g Self Raising Flour
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 Egg, beaten
  • 4-5oz Brown Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 3 fl oz/90ml Vegetable/Sunflower Oil or Melted Butter
  • Nutella!
  • Cocoa powder for dusting

Let's Bake!
  • Line a 12 hole muffin tin and pre-heat the oven to 190-200c...
  • In a separate bowl combine the Oats and Milk, set aside to soak while you prepare the other ingredients.
  • In another bowl combine the Flour, Baking Powder and Salt.
  • Into the oat/milk mix add the Egg, Sugar and Vanilla, give everything a good stir.
  • Pour the wet mix into the dry as well as the Oil/Butter, stir until just combined and no flour is visible. The mix will look lumpy from the oats.
  • Spoon one tablespoon of mix into the bottom of the cases and then on top dollop about half a teaspoon of Nutella into the middle of each.
  • With the remaining mixture spoon another tablespoon on top of the Nutella making sure the Nutella is covered, although it's not the end of the world if a bit seeps through the top!
  • Pop into the oven for 20-25mins or until brown and springy to the touch.
  • Leave to cool slightly before dusting with cocoa powder.

These are best enjoyed warm so the centre is all gooey so once they have cooled they can be popped into the microwave for 10-15sec and the middle will melt all over again! Yum.....x
