Thursday, 29 November 2012

a little something in the post...

photos by me / postcard designs copyright Rachael Taylor Designs

Oooh what could this be? I pondered yesterday when this little envelope dropped on my doormat...a lovely little surprise parcel of postcards by Rachael Taylor! As you may remember Rachael was one of the tutors on my recent e-course 'The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design' and so to celebrate the end of our course and as a thank you Rachael and Beth had sent out these little packages, how nice of them! Big thanks again to them both for running such a wonderful course!x



  1. What a lovely suprise. I read about that course - it sounds really good, was it? And how proficient do you have to be in photoshop/illustrator? Sorry for the questions!! x

    1. Hey Jen, I'm happy to answer your questions! It was a fab course and the people you 'meet' are so nice and supportive....for module 1 you don't need to have much knowledge if any in Ps/Illustrator as it's very hands on creative but for modules 2&3 you do need to know a bit more but there are technical classes and tips each week to help you. If you want to know more heres the link to the course site...hope that helps!x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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