Monday, 5 November 2012

Littletree's Top 5 Blogs...November

Well it's the first Monday and new week of November...oh dear the year is just wizzing by! I'm trying not to think about it but christmas is everywhere! And I suppose I can allow it now that Halloween is over and Bonfire Night is here...I love bonfire night, it's tradition to have at least a packet of sparklers to enjoy in the garden and sausages in rolls dipped into hot tomato soup, delish... Anyway, on to what you are all waiting for, this months top 5 blogs!

Lot's of lovely DIY's and crafty goodness, interiors and stuff for the kiddiwinks.

Surface pattern-y designer goodness...

Two amazing sites dedicated to inspirational images to get those creative juices flowing!

A lovely blog filled with a mix of designs, shops, makes and bakes, vintage finds and photos.

 Hope you find a new favourite!x



  1. That is a lovely collection of blogs, thanks for sharing!

  2. off for a peep thanks for the tips!

  3. Anonymous26/3/13 17:50

    I've only just found this link to my blog and site. Thank you for the mention!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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