Monday, 26 November 2012

littletree visits...Liberty's for Christmas

Happy Monday blog peeps! Hope you had a good weekend? So as I mentioned in my First Aid Kit post last week I was in London and so of course it being Christmas time I had to stop by the beautiful Liberty's. Every year the store is transformed into a Christmas wonderland with every surface covered in fairy lights and sparkle, it is a truly magical place...even more magical for me because they had a pop up RE shop!

I'm sure I have waffled on about RE before so I won't bore you again, just to say that RE sells a lovely mix of vintage, re-cycled, re-loved and up-cycled products that I know you will all drool over...lucky for us they have an online shop here so you can see what all the fuss is about! I am particularly drooling over the big white paper baubles in the bottom left pic...and they were very reasonable too!

Out from Liberty's is the always exciting Carnaby Street which this year has been decorated to reflect the streets musical heritage with giant gold disks floating in a cluster above our heads...we stopped at Carnaby Burger Co. for dinner and left completely stuffed! You know when something tastes so good that you just have to eat it all? That's what this was there was a great selection of traditional burgers, chicken and plenty of veggie options, which shows a good restaurant in my books! Hope you have enjoyed my little picture jaunt around London, pop by tomorrow for this weeks 'little things'...x



  1. Looks like a lot of fun ... I would love to visit Libertys at Christmas ... Bee xx

  2. Oh I love Liberty at Christmas. It's just so special. And a pop-up Re shop, even better! Did you make any purchases? x


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