Wednesday, 7 November 2012

littletree's study area

1//  2//  (1&2 Image Here)  3//  4//  5//  6//

Now I haven't done a wishlist in aaaages so today I am reviving it and bringing you a lovely list of studio/study related items that I am coveting for my new space when I move...

Some of the items I already have such as the Micke desk from Ikea (5) and the retro orange Anglepoise (4) which was one of my best carboot finds at £4!

I am also in desperate need of more storage which the Alex drawers from Ikea (2) will be perfect for, they look great here being used as extra table space for the printer etc...and I love the wire strung above them (1) used for displaying inspirational images, orders, colour palettes and more!

Of course I will need some new artwork in this space and what better than this Weapons of Mass Creation print (3) by Bianca Green, as much as I love my laptop I still draw most things by hand first with my favourite UniPin pens.

And finally this blue beauty...(6) sold by Bluesuntree it isn't an original Eames but a faithful reproduction and slightly more affordable for those on a tight budget like myself!

Hope you liked this little round up of goodies...see you again soon x



  1. It looks like my kind of work space - lovely. And a £4 anglepoise, well I'm so very jealous! x

  2. I'd love a workspace like that - all calm and organised...not the piles of stuff stacked around me that I have to step over.

    Nina x

  3. That orange lamp is dreamy :)


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