Thursday, 31 January 2013

Retro Alphabet...

Retro Alphabet Boy Copyright Littletree Designs

Retro Alphabet Girl Copyright Littletree Designs

So if you remember last week I posted about a pattern that had been inspired by something I pinned? (pin to pattern) Well these are the finished, fully coloured designs complete with a rather funky little co-ordinate. I did the boys colourway first, not necessarily planning it to be for boys but it ended up that way, so then I thought I had to do a girl I'm not a 'pink' sort of person so this is more peachy/pink so it isn't too sickly sweet. The only thing I'm worried about is whether the dark purple stands out to much?

Copyright Littletree Designs

As well as a pattern I thought the original drawing and layout work well for a print...What do you think friends? As always I value your opinions. x


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

colour inspiration...minty

1//  2//  3//  4// 5/ /

Everywhere I look recently there seems to be something 'minty' in the colour not necessarily the flavour! Although I do like mint flavoured choc chip is my all time fave ice cream choice. So today I have put together a little colour inspitation with a twist and chosen some of my favourite minty pins to make a pretty moodboard. I need that jumper! Hope you like. x


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

littletree's little things...4 in 1!

photo taken by me (as you can see!)

In keeping with Jen's 52 Weeks of Happy here are this weeks four little things all in one picture!

*My new phone and FREE tablet! All super shiny and pretty*

*Discovering my local magazine stall selling back issues of The Simple Things for a £1!*

*Baking some Barefoot Contessa cookies...they are to die for...*

*Finally getting to experiment with Instagram!*

 I haven't taken many photos yet but if you want to follow me then hop on over here...enjoy your day! x


Monday, 28 January 2013

Special Mollie Makes Home Edition!

image HERE

Hello again friends...I'm feeling a little better after taking a proper weekend off, no working at all just relaxing, baking, seeing friends and playing with my new phone and tablet! 

I spotted this in my facebook feed and had to share it with you all. If you love Mollie Makes then you will be super excited to know they are releasing a one off 'Home' edition packed with their favourite homes from the magazine and plenty of tips and DIY's. The magazine is out on the 31st of January but you can pop over here for a sneaky peek of what's inside beforehand and even pre-order your copy, which is what I have done! Have a lovely week everyone. x


Friday, 25 January 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Words and more...

This is a spot on illustration of how I am feeling right now... a) because it is sooo cold I cannot warm up no matter how many layers I wear, and b) I don't necessarily feel sad but but just 'meh' with life right now. 

I can't seem to get enthusiasm for anything at the moment, blogging, designing, work...even when I do design something in my head I'm saying to myself 'it's's not great...' and I put myself off working on it! And then I feel guilty for not doing any's a vicious circle. Sorry for the ramble friends but I'm sure we all feel this way from time to time...I hope you have a nice weekend and hopefully I will have some posts for you next week. x


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

from pin to pattern...

(Right Image) Design Copyright Littletree Designs

After pinning this image last week I was inspired to create my own pattern along a similar vein, combining my love of anything retro and hand lettering to create this fun alphabet pattern. It's still in the early stages, I want to add colour and some texture to really bring it alive but I'm pleased with it so far! Who says Pinterest is a timewasting tool?! x


Monday, 21 January 2013

littletree features...deesigns

All Images Copyright Deesigns

Happy Monday everyone, hope you had some fun in the snow over the weekend? Today I have a real visual treat for all you lovers of colour, pattern and of course stationary! The wonderful work of Diane Allan also know as Deesigns...if you are a frequent visitor to Print & Pattern you may have seen her work before when she launched her line of gorgeous gift wrap last year and now she is back with these bright and beautiful notebooks!

All Images Copyright Deesigns

I, as you know, have a small stationary addiction and in particular a notebook addiction! I have far too many for all sorts of things but as far as I'm concerned writing lists and doodling is way more fun if you have something pretty to do it in! If you want to buy any of these beauties you can pop by the Deesigns shop here and pick one up for just a mere £3...a bargain if you ask me! Thanks to Diane for letting me use her images today, I really hope you stop by her site or facebook page to have another look at her great work. Have a great week friends...x


Friday, 18 January 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

Copyright Maria Jose Bautista
Copyright Maria Jose Bautista

A nice end to the week with some lovely new patterns from my e-course friend Majo! She has just completed this new collection called 'My Best Friends Yard' based on her love of dogs...these two designs were my favourite and can be found on my board Pattern... along with other patterns by e-course grads. If you want to see more of Majo's work then pop by her website or blog. Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to pop in on Monday as I have a special feature on a fab designer...not telling who yet!x


Thursday, 17 January 2013

colour inspiration...festival '51'

A little retro colour inspiration today...this was actually a colour pallete I put together when I was in the middle of my e-course and I only re-discovered it the other day whilst doing a long over due file back-up! I think the image was originally from a Good Homes magazine and the paint range, inspired by the 1951 Festival of Britain, is from Fired Earth by Kevin McCloud the Grand Designs presenter. I love the way the image has been styled in these cute cups and saucers! x


Wednesday, 16 January 2013


1//  2//  3//  4//  5//  6//
All images from inkkit's Etsy shop

Inkkit have been an Etsy favourite of mine for a while now, with their drool worthy range of tape, stickers, tags, twine and more it's hard to ignore them if you're a stationary addict like myself! So after my visit yesterday I had to put together a little collection of spring coloured goodies inspired by the daffodils that were part of my 'little things' post...I love that pop of fresh yellow and green after the grey days of winter.

I particularly love the paint dipped twig pencils and the pretty rolls of washi tape...I hope I've injected a little pop of colour into your day with this post and don't forget to stop by inkkit for more!x


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

littletree's little things...

All photos by me

...The first of the daffodils out in our victorain terranium...

...Blueberry muffins in pretty polka dot cases...

...Nala keeping my lap warm whilst I work...

...Watching the snow fall yesterday afternoon, it was mesmerising...

What little things have been making you happy?x


Monday, 14 January 2013

new website sneak peek!

All Design Copyright Littletree Designs

Happy Monday blog peeps! Now you may have noticed up there at the top is a new blog banner? Well this is all part of my 'brand' re-vamp. Now I know I didn't re-do my website all that long ago and although I loved the way it looked I decided the design and colours of the website were taking over from my work...and the whole point of having the site is to showcase my work! Hence the new blog banner...a mini showcase for my designs that I can change whenever!

So it's pretty much the same layout I've just tweaked things, made it cleaner and simple. I have also edited some of my designs, only putting in the ones I really love! I still have some more to do this week but I promise I will let you know when it goes live!

Have a good week everyone!x


Friday, 11 January 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Furniture Love...

Hey guys and gals! Sorry I haven't been around much this week, don't think my blogging mojo is quite back to normal after the long break over the holidays. Plus I have been working on a new website...(again!? I hear you cry!)...yup, I'm never happy!

Back to today's pinterest pick and these gorgeous upcycled retro sideboards from Retro Modern...I LOVE sideboards! And lucky for me I got one for absolutley nothing from a friend of my mum! So at the moment it is sitting in the garage waiting for a makeover and these beauties above are nothing if inspirational! And if you love these then do hop on over to the Retro Modern Gallery for more gorgeous pieces to drool over...Have a great weekend friends and I promise I will try to post a bit more next week! x


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Littletree Designs is in...

Banner Design by Gill Eggleston

Exciting news blog friends! A while back last year (that sounds weird right?) the lovely Gill Eggleston, who I know through my e-course, contacted all of us grads to tell us about a wonderful idea she had for making an online database of surface pattern designers...this later became know as The Little White Book of Surface Pattern Designers.

Well Gill has worked her little socks off putting it all together (over Christmas too!) and it was officially lauched yesterday so I wanted to say a big BIG thank you to Gill for working so hard and making this amazing resource for us newbie designers! Oh and don't forget to stop by to have a peek, there's a button over there on the left...I'm on page 66! x


Monday, 7 January 2013

Top 5 Blogs of 2012

Welcome everyone I hope 2013 has been kind to you so far? First up a big thanks to everyone that stopped by to read over the holidays, I had the most monthly views ever in December! Second...I apologise for not being around much to read all your awesome blogs it's all been hectic with a) our house sale falling through, b) our house sale all going ahead again, c) overtime at work, d) building my sisters website and e) my mum contracting the Norovirus on Boxing Day! But it was not all doom and gloom, I had a lovely Christmas Day and got far to many amazing presents from my wonderful family and friends, plus the advantage of still being in our old house meant we could still enjoy an open fire which I shall miss immensely when we move!

So, since things have been so busy I haven't had time to make a new top 5 blogs list for January...instead I thought I would do a list of my 5 favourite blog discoveries from 2012, the ones that have made it into my daily 'must read's''s a real mix of blog's, design, interiors, DIY's and life in general!

I wish you all a great year and hope you achieve all you want to! Rebecca x


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year and a 2013 calendar collaboration!

Design Copyright Littletree Designs

Welcome 2013! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year? I'm not going to be back to full blogging until next week but I had to pop in to tell you about this amazing collaboration I have been a part of with some of my e-course graduates...a little while back the lovely Majo (who blogs here) e-mailed 12 of us lucky grads and asked us if we wanted to take part in an idea she had for designing a FREE printable calendar for 2013.

The idea was for each of us to design a different month in our own unique styles and when our month was made available to print Majo would give each designer a little mini showcase on her blog too! We of course all said yes and the images below show the varied results...I got the month of May (above) which is nice as my mum has her birthday in May, so I chose her favourite design of mine to use for the background.

Visit Majo's Blog HERE for all the links to the respective designers and to download the first month for FREE! 
Big thanks to Majo for all her hard work on this project! x
