Wednesday, 23 January 2013

from pin to pattern...

(Right Image) Design Copyright Littletree Designs

After pinning this image last week I was inspired to create my own pattern along a similar vein, combining my love of anything retro and hand lettering to create this fun alphabet pattern. It's still in the early stages, I want to add colour and some texture to really bring it alive but I'm pleased with it so far! Who says Pinterest is a timewasting tool?! x



  1. who said that about pinterest!? lets get em! ha ha!
    cute design x

  2. Lovely idea...DIY colouring in would be fab! And Pinterest, well it is a usurper of time, but hey, I can deal with that...!

  3. Very cute! Like how you've taken inspiration but made it your own. X

  4. Great work... this inspires me to persevere with Pinterest, I am such a novice :)


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