Monday, 7 January 2013

Top 5 Blogs of 2012

Welcome everyone I hope 2013 has been kind to you so far? First up a big thanks to everyone that stopped by to read over the holidays, I had the most monthly views ever in December! Second...I apologise for not being around much to read all your awesome blogs it's all been hectic with a) our house sale falling through, b) our house sale all going ahead again, c) overtime at work, d) building my sisters website and e) my mum contracting the Norovirus on Boxing Day! But it was not all doom and gloom, I had a lovely Christmas Day and got far to many amazing presents from my wonderful family and friends, plus the advantage of still being in our old house meant we could still enjoy an open fire which I shall miss immensely when we move!

So, since things have been so busy I haven't had time to make a new top 5 blogs list for January...instead I thought I would do a list of my 5 favourite blog discoveries from 2012, the ones that have made it into my daily 'must read's''s a real mix of blog's, design, interiors, DIY's and life in general!

I wish you all a great year and hope you achieve all you want to! Rebecca x



  1. Happy New year, off to check out your top blogs! x

  2. Oh wow! Thank you so much Rebecca that has really made my day. I will check out the other blogs now.
    Sounds like you've had a busy time. I'm glad your house sale is going through again, I hope it all goes smoothly for you now. xx

  3. Thank you so much Rebecca!
    I just popped by to have a look at your recent posts and spotted love print at the top of your 2012 favourite blogs list... What a treat!
    Sorry to hear about your Mom getting the dreaded norovirus, I had it too over Christmas, no fun at all! My entire family had it at some point over the christmas period, rubbish :-(
    Anyway, it sounds like you still managed to have a good Christmas and New Year and I hope your house sales goes smoothly
    x x x

    1. My pleasure Lou, I love your blog!
      Sorry to hear so many of your family had the virus, it's evil! x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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