Monday, 14 January 2013

new website sneak peek!

All Design Copyright Littletree Designs

Happy Monday blog peeps! Now you may have noticed up there at the top is a new blog banner? Well this is all part of my 'brand' re-vamp. Now I know I didn't re-do my website all that long ago and although I loved the way it looked I decided the design and colours of the website were taking over from my work...and the whole point of having the site is to showcase my work! Hence the new blog banner...a mini showcase for my designs that I can change whenever!

So it's pretty much the same layout I've just tweaked things, made it cleaner and simple. I have also edited some of my designs, only putting in the ones I really love! I still have some more to do this week but I promise I will let you know when it goes live!

Have a good week everyone!x



  1. Looks great looking forward to seeing more, x

  2. The website design looks great, I love the new blog header. Look forward to seeing it when its all done. xx

  3. It looks really great Rebecca ... love the new header ... it's a great print ... Bee xx

  4. The website looks great and I am LOVING the new blog banner! x

  5. Thank you for all your positive words ladies, glad you are liking the new banner!x

  6. Looks great Rebecca.Can't wait to see. I've been thinking of a rebrand too. not entirely happy and want something simple.

    1. Oh no I love your brand style Esther! Don't change it!x


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