Tuesday, 16 October 2012

work in progress...

copyright littletree designs

Just a quick peek at a design I have been working on for a Spoonflower competition called 'Be My Hero' for which we had to create a novelty boy's fabric. My mind immediately jumped to the idea of superheros and comic books so I decided to base my idea around that...I'm pleased with the outcome, just a bit wary that maybe it's too violent? What do you think blog friends? x



  1. Hi Rebecca, I love the design, and I don't think it's too violent. The only thing I would say is that it looks a bit salmon pink on screen - my boy would say no to any kind of pink as I'm sure most would. Not a criticism of your work as I think the design is great but just a Mum who knows about 9 year old boys! x

    1. Glad you think its not too violent! I will admit the colours on my screenshot aren't quite the same as they look in real life! It looks better on Spoonflower...more of the red/orange its supposed to be!x

    2. Oh and meant to say, I think these would make great cushion covers! x

  2. I think they are fabulous and like Jen - having a young man it is most definitely the kind of thing they go for. Old school Batman 'pow!'

    Nina x

  3. Love this for little boys ... definitely not too violent ... reminds me of watching Batman and Robin when I was younger ... all the kerpows and bashes ... Bee xx

  4. Very pop art - really punchy design! x


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