Monday, 15 October 2012

colour inspiration...'agate pastels'

source unknown

Hello Monday and hello friends! The sun is shining (at the moment!) and there is a chill in the air...yup the new season is in full swing! So why, you ask, have I chosen a very summery pastel colour inspiration to share with you today? Simple, how could I not when this picture is so beautiful! Unfortunatly I couldn't trace the original source so if you recognise this then please let me know and I will update it...

Good news on the home search...we found one! It needs a fair amount of decoration but then I do love a bit of diy! No news on when we are moving but I will keep you updated as it probably means I may disappear from the blog for a little the mean time why don't you pop over to my Vintage Shop where you can get 25% OFF when you enter the code 'MOVINGMADNESS' plus...if you scroll down you can still enter the GIVEAWAY to win a beautiful vintage folding garland!

Have a good week everyone x



  1. That's great news about the house. love the colour inspiration, such a gorgeous picture. x


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