Wednesday, 17 October 2012

blog crush... ps:heart

image from ps:heart

Hello again! I haven't had a blog crush in a while but this one is a real find... ps:heart is run by three fabulous ladies who blog about fashion, diy's, life and the odd 'treat' recipe thrown in for extra tasty measure! Infact I have already tried my hand at one of their recipes below...apologies for the awful pic, it was dark in my kitchen!

Monster Cookies find the recipe HERE

With a name like 'Monster Cookies' I also thought they might be a nice treat for a certain upcoming holiday...these were super simple to make, so good for getting the kids involved during the half term! The recipe calls for M&M's or Reeces Pieces...I had neither so it was some chopped up chocolate instead! If you do have M&M's you could press them into the top to make funny faces!

Hope you enjoy having a browse around this fab blog, I'm sure you will end up pinning a diy, recipe or two!x



  1. This is so great (and such a cool idea)!! Thanks so much :D I haven't tried the monster cookies yet, I will have to get Kelsey to make them for me the next time I visit her!

    Also, lovely blog. Any friend of tea, cakes, and film, is a friend of mine!

  2. Thank you sooooo much for loving our blog! We're so honoured to be featured here =] Also, I'm loving your blog! So very darling =]

  3. Yes! Thank you so much! It means a lot to us <3


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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