Friday, 31 August 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

find pin HERE on my Knitty, Stitchy stuff board

I love the mix of old crafts with modern fashion tastes and I think this skull patterned lace does exactlly that! I find lace making is it done and who has the patience?!

Module 3 of my e-course starts on Monday which I am super excited about! Have a great weekend everyone x


PS - I joined Twitter this week so if you want to follow me there then just click the link on the side bar or search @littletreeRG...tweet tweet!


Thursday, 30 August 2012

littletree discovers...foodie crush magazine

Now as regular readers will know I love a good food blog and a bit of baking so for me discovering this amazing online magazine made for one very happy afternoon of reading (and a little drooling if I'm honest!) Foodie Crush Magazine is the brainchild of food blogger Heidi (whose blog of the same name is just as fab!) She is an avid cookery book collector and food blog lover so decided to start a magazine to celebrate all of those talented individuals out there in blog land and share the food love!

The magazine is beautifully styled, photographed and packed to the rafters with the pick of the worlds best food blog are a few sneaky shots inside to whet your appetite, or pop over to read the current issue here... x

all images from foodie crush magazine summer 2012


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

littletree loves...Howkapow

I don't know about you but I love Howkapow! It's the kind of shop that you end up wanting everything and then drooling over the keyboard until the laptop crashes...or maybe that's just me? If you haven't heard of them before then you're in for a treat...they have some of the worlds best small and unique designers all in one place for you to gawk over at your leisure! I have put together a little 'story' using some of my favourites for you today...enjoy!x

teapot  //  mug  //  cake stand  //  tray  //  cushion  //  notepad

 all images and logo from Howkapow


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Support Rachael Taylor in her battle against M&S!!

LEFT: M&S top  //  RIGHT: Rachael Taylor's Etched Floral tea towel (image here)

I hate to share this awful news this morning...a few weeks ago Rachael Taylor, my lovely e-course tutor and fab designer, shared with us the shocking news that UK high street giant Marks & Spencer were selling a t-shirt printed with a pattern pretty much IDENTICAL to one of her own designs! (above)

Today she has posted again to share her battle with M&S to date and the fact that they still haven't offered her any kind of compensation...are you mad yet? can read the whole post HERE and sign the PETITION for the ACID "Commission it, Don't Copy it" Campaign.

If you are a designer or a design lover PLEASE take the time to support Rachael in her fight...thank you xxx


colour inspiration...'autumn tones'

image HERE

So I kind of forgot we had a bank holiday Monday here in the uk...hope you had a lovely long weekend uk-ers! Can you believe that it's almost September? Where did the summer (if we can call it that...) go? AND I have been designing my Christmas bits the past week so it really feels like autumn is on the way! I always moan when summer ends but I love autumn...the colours, leaves on the ground, windfall fruits for making chutney, the first frost, wrapping up in chunky knits and of course yummy chestnuts...

So to remind us that autumn isn't all bad I made an 'Autumn Tones' colour palette in all the glorious colours of the season...what are your favourite things about autumn friends?


Friday, 24 August 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

see Stephanies collection of boards HERE

This weeks pinterest pick is not just one picture, or even one is a whole collection of amazing boards all in one place curated by the wonderful Stephanie. Her boards are a treasure trove of inspiration and superbly organised, great if you are a designer or just a design lover! I spent a good few hours browsing through her collection of pins, here are a few of my favourite boards for you to check out this weekend...Retro Love, Geos&Stripes, Collections and finally Textures... Have a good weekend everyone. x


Thursday, 23 August 2012

MOYO Magazine...and I'm featured in it!

Read the Magazine HERE!

This is MOYO, the first and only online magazine dedicated to surface pattern design...'Packed with interviews, design briefs, colour challenges, art reviews, student showcases, design tips, inspiration, trends and more, this free resource will be published quarterly, and you can see the inaugural issue here...'

The magazine has been put together by my wonderful e-course tutors Rachael Taylor and Beth Nichols and features work of current and graduated students, including mine on page 18!! So this is a real resource for anyone in the industry or lovers of colour and pattern! Stop by for a read...x


lot's of lovely little things...

Hello again everyone, hope this week has been treating you well? I've been having a jolly nice one so far! I discovered lot's of lovely little things yesterday...

...these beautiful serving spoons and colourful retro teatowel at the car boot sale... 

...a purchase from my Etsy shop by the lovely Jen of JLW Illustrations...

...and finding my design was featured on the Tigerprint websites rolling carousel...

Friday tomorrow people so if you aren't having such a good week not to worry as the weekend is almost here! x


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

blog crush...wit & whistle

I had to share this amazing blog find with you today friends...Wit & Whistle is run by the super talented Amanda and is also the name of her fab shop selling gorgeous paper goodies...the blog is a place for Amanda to share her many creative sides and inspire others with her baking, DIY's and sneaky peeks into her life and sketchbooks.

I have spent the last two days going back and reading through the archives...I have probably pinned about 5-6 DIY's or recipes including this AMAZING Nutella Popsicle recipe! Best thing's 2 ingredients! Nutella and milk, blended together and frozen...simple and oh so yummy...I am making these as soon as I can remember where I have stored my ice lolly moulds! Enjoy...x

photos from Wit & Whistle


Tuesday, 21 August 2012

littletree bakes...rhubarb crumble cake

So I haven't done a 'bakes' post in a while and what better recipe for a come back than this awesome Rhubarb Crumble cake!? I LOVE rhubarb, everything about it makes me smile, the enormous leaves that grow on the end of that pretty pink stalk...the sweet and sharp I just love saying rhubarb! Rhuuuubarb!

Enough of that...this recipe is of my own creation and inspired by my love of rhubarb compote, cream and crumbled ginger biscuits. The simplest dessert and so scrummy! So I thought 'why not in a cake?' and an idea was born...

  • 6oz Butter or Marg
  • 6oz Caster Sugar
  • 6oz Self Raising Flour
  • 1oz Ginger Biscuits blended into crumbs
  • 1/2tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2tsp Mixed Spice
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2tsp Vanilla Extract
  • Rhubarb
  • Water
  • Extra sugar for rhubarb compote

 Lets' bake!
  1. Preheat oven to 180c, grease and line a rectangular tin.
  2. First the compote....I just made a large batch as we had a lot of rhubarb to use up but I probably used about 4 tablespoons of the compote in the finished recipe. 
  3. Ok, chop your rhubarb into about 2cm small chunks and pop in a saucepan, just add enough water to cover the rhubarb and 3tsp of sugar. Simmer gently, stirring occasionally. (You can add more or less sugar depending on your taste and the sharpness of rhubarb, just give it a taste!)
  4. Once the rhubarb is soft, drain any excess water but leave some liquid. Leave to cool.
  5. Cream your butter and sugar, add the eggs, vanilla and a tablespoon of the flour, mix well.
  6. Add in the rest of the flour and the biscuit crumbs, fold in by hand until combined.
  7. Spoon into the tin and even out. Next spoon in the rhubarb compote in small dollops all over the sponge. 
  8. Using the handle of a piece of cutlery swirl the rhubarb compote into the sponge mix, not too much, you want some big swirls of rhubarb left!
  9. Pop in the oven for 35-45 minutes or until golden and a skewer comes out clean.
  10. Leave to cool in the tin before turning out. 
  11. Drizzle with icing and top with more crumbled ginger biscuits.

If you wanted this could be served as a desert with any leftover rhubarb compote with a dollop of creme fraiche...yum!


Monday, 20 August 2012

'stack' birthday cards...

Copyright Littletree Designs

Happy Monday all! Hope you had good weekends? Today I'm sharing some new birthday card designs...a super stacked cake with five layers and a mega pile of presents! Hence the 'stack' name...Thinking of offering these as a 2 pack in the shop? What do you think friends? x


Friday, 17 August 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Today's pinterest pick is all about giving some...

find pin HERE on my board Words and more...

Yup, I am sharing some serious love this week. Love to everyone that has supported me and my long slow process to becoming a surface pattern designer, friends, family and of course all of my fab followers here on the blog! 

I may be a bit premature in my celebration as I am not yet a paid designer but having my work featured on the world renown Print and Pattern blog is a huge step in the right direction...thank you again for all your kind words and lovely comments over the past 18 months, it has really kept me going.

Have a wonderful weekend friends! x

(Couldn't find the source for this image, if you do please let me know!)


Thursday, 16 August 2012

e-course showcase part 2...

Hello everyone! Part 2 of my e-course showcase today I promise it will not disappoint! Fun florals, graphics and some super colourful kitties! Well generally very colourful...enjoy!x

*Petra Kern*

website  // facebook

Petra's designs are so bright, colourful and full of detail! I think these flowers almost look like fireworks, especially on the grey background...ooh...aah...(firework noises - in case you were wondering!)

*Lindsay Pardo*

'colourful kitties'

website  //  blog  //  twitter

How cute are these kitties?! This is some new work that Lindsey has been working on in the break between modules and I am loving it! But then I am a cat person...


website //  blog  //  facebook  //  twitter

Maria has a great handdrawn doodley style which creates wonderful texture within her patterns and she's not afraid to be brave with bright colours either! Pop by her blog (which has an amazing name btw) to see more work.

*Dawn Clarkson*


blog  //  twitter

I don't know about you but this pattern just makes me feel summery even if it isn't outside! Dawn has so many other lovely patterns and pictures on her blog so do stop by!

I Really hope you have enjoyed my little showcase of undiscovered talent with you! As before please take the time to visit the ladies websites etc and leave some nice comments I'm sure it would be appreciated.

Thanks again to all of the ladies for letting me use their images and I hope to see many of you in Module 3!


Images copyright of their respective designers. 
Please do not copy or reblog these images. Thanks x


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

littletree designs on Print & Pattern!!!

click HERE to go to the post...

Yup that's right I have one of my designs featured on Print & Pattern today! This is like a dream come true for me as I have been reading P&P for years and own every book by Bowie Style (aka Marie Perkins). The design is featured in a round up of e-course Module 2 graduates, some of which I featured here yesterday (and more tomorrow) so congrats to all of my fellow course mates who got chosen to feature too!

I actually found out my design had been picked by Marie last week but didn't tell anyone (not even friends or family!) because I was worried I would jinx it! Silly I know...Big thank yous are also due to Rachael and Beth who run the e-course, this wouldn't have been possible without you!

Right I'm off to dance a crazy happy jig around the house! Have a good day everyone!x

'Atomic' Copyright Littletree Designs


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

e-course showcase part 1...

Hello my lovely blog friends! As promised last week I am having a little showcase of some of the super talented designers joining me on my e-course journey... I would love it if you could take the time to visit their blogs, websites, twitter or facebook pages and I'm sure they would appreciate it too!

*Elizabeth Olwen*

website  //  blog  //  facebook  //  twitter

I love Elizabeth's style, she has a real flair for beautiful folksy florals coupled with soft dreamy colour palettes...I highly recommend a stop by her website!

*Zoe Attwell*

'Dotty Triangles'

//  blog  //

Zoe has great use of texture in her work which really adds to her graphic quirky style. Pop over to her blog to see more work and the fab mock-ups she made for some stationary...

*Esther Cox*

 //  blog  // 

Now I know Esther's style is right up my regular readers 'street' with her fab retro 50's vibe which this 'Seedheads' pattern is all about! See more of this collection on Esthers blog...

Esther describes her work as 'Modern, graphic and hand drawn with a retro twist. This collection comes from a set of florals- which I've still not named- but am tempted to call it Ronnie's Garden as it was inspired by my Mum's amazing garden.'


website  //  blog  //  facebook  //  twitter

Again I know you guys will love Sarah's work...lovely colour palettes with a retro vibe...there is sooo much more on her website so check it out!

I hope you have enjoyed and been inspired by all of these amazing designers today...but wait...there's more! Pop back on Thursday for Part 2 of my e-course showcase, mark it in your diaries now people!x

PS - Thanks to all of the designers for letting my show their fab work today!

All images are Copyright of their respective designers. 
Please do not reblog/copy without their permission, thank you x


Monday, 13 August 2012

introducing...The 'Orla'

Click for larger image - Copyright Littletree Designs

Happy Monday all! Today I am sharing a little design which I have called The 'Orla'...can anyone figure out why? Of course you are all right, it is named after the design legend Orla Kiely! I suppose it's my little homage to her wonderful patterns that have inspired me throughout the years...what do you think blog friends?

Have a great week everyone and don't forget to pop back tomorrow for the first part of my mini e-course showcase! x


Friday, 10 August 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Words and more...

Aren't they just!? I love a good nap, cosy on down with a cuppa and a blanket, have a little snooze...yes ok I am secretly 87 rather than 27 but I know I'm not the only one out there! This fab design is by Vaughn Fender, check out more of his work on his Flickr page here...

Next week I have a few special posts lined up to showcase some of the amazingly talented designers that are joining me on my e-course, so don't forget to stop by! Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to enjoy a nice nap! x


Thursday, 9 August 2012

new etsy favourites...

1// Nicoleap  2// HappyDappyBits  3// MirDinara  4// dancingintherains  5// nukilan  6// hellojenuine

Some Esty lovelies for you to ooh and ahh over today my blog friends...enjoy!x

PS - Thanks to everyone for letting me use their pictures!x


Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Adore Home magazine Aug/Sept 2012...

If you aren't already a fan from the many previous times I have posted about this magazine then you will be after reading this issue! Adore Home magazine's Aug/Sept issue is so packed with visual treats it has left me weak at the knees! As always, great food, styling, shopping and interiors....PLUS...this issue has a fab interview with Heather Moore aka Skinny LaMinx! Need I say more? Go on, grab a cuppa and settle in for a good read...x

all images from Adore Home mag
Oh these meringues...with rhubarb and almonds?! Heaven...


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

birthday snaps...

This time last week it was my birthday and so today I though I would share a few pictures from my week...

...a huge jar of buttons from my sister...

...the colossal cake I made...

...sunflowers!... new Lisa Stickley mug...

...a lovely satchel bag from mum...

...this Creative Scribbles book, helps to stimulate ideas...

...and some fab Paperchase stickers with funny faces!...

...also this beautiful card from my friend, so cute!...

Thanks for all my birthday wishes from you too blog friends!xxx


Monday, 6 August 2012

colour inspiration...'poppy brights'

image HERE

Hello all, did you have a good weekend? Mine was a bit up and down, think I have a case of the post birthday blues...anyhoo to cheer us all up at the beginning of the week I have a lovely bright colour palette inspired by this beautiful photograph I found at the amazing food blog Cannelle et Vanille...have a good week everyone x


Friday, 3 August 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

pin can be found on my board Knitty, Stitchy stuff

Hello all, first and foremost thank you for all my birthday messages this week it was lovely reading them all! And even though I have been out and about I have of course still found time to pin a few new pics! These geometric beauties are by jonnaxkangan and I am in love...I love the colours, I love the overlaying patterns and I LOVE the pom-pom trim! If like me you need to buy one, like, right now! Then head over to Supermarket Sarah where some of these beauties are for sale...have a great weekend everyone xxx


Thursday, 2 August 2012

top 5 blogs...august

So it's the beginning of a new month and that means it's time for a new top 5 blogs list! This month has been so difficult as I have added a whopping 19 new blogs to my reading list! So after much deliberation these are the final 5...

...but because I'm so nice to you here are the rest! Enjoy! x

Florrie Grace Studio  //   Gabote  //  Handmade by Emily  //  Little Paper Gallery  //  Making it Lovely  //  My Scandinavian Home  //  Paravent  //  Penelope and Pip  //  Show and Tell  //  Teawagon Tales  //  Curbly  //  sfgirlbybay //  Dandelion and Olive  //  The Paper Pony


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

a new month and some new work...

Hello August! Please, please, please let the weather actually be summer like for longer than a week! Even if it isn't I hope my new pattern collection called 'blooms & buttons' will brighten your day with it's happy colours...if you wish to see any of the patterns in their full size pop by my Flickr page...

To brighten your whole month I have designed my first desktop wallpaper for you in the 'blooms & buttons' theme...just click on the image below and then right click the larger image to select 'set as desktop background.'
Hope you have a great month!x

All images Copyright Littletree Designs
Please do not Reblog without permission. Thanks x
