Wednesday, 29 August 2012

littletree loves...Howkapow

I don't know about you but I love Howkapow! It's the kind of shop that you end up wanting everything and then drooling over the keyboard until the laptop crashes...or maybe that's just me? If you haven't heard of them before then you're in for a treat...they have some of the worlds best small and unique designers all in one place for you to gawk over at your leisure! I have put together a little 'story' using some of my favourites for you today...enjoy!x

teapot  //  mug  //  cake stand  //  tray  //  cushion  //  notepad

 all images and logo from Howkapow



  1. I like your story and the products you've chosen. Off to check them out now! x

  2. What lovely things ... thanks for the link to a great shop ... Bee xx

  3. Anonymous29/8/12 14:29

    I just love the way you put this "storyboard" together and I'm glad you recommended the shop. Am off to check them out now! Also loving the look and content of your website. Great job! :) - sylvia x

  4. I've been hankering after that tea pot for some time!

  5. Woah excellent find - I covet all the things on that site! x

  6. loving Howkapow too! and the layout of the images!!!
    is the red font your own?


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