Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Support Rachael Taylor in her battle against M&S!!

LEFT: M&S top  //  RIGHT: Rachael Taylor's Etched Floral tea towel (image here)

I hate to share this awful news this morning...a few weeks ago Rachael Taylor, my lovely e-course tutor and fab designer, shared with us the shocking news that UK high street giant Marks & Spencer were selling a t-shirt printed with a pattern pretty much IDENTICAL to one of her own designs! (above)

Today she has posted again to share her battle with M&S to date and the fact that they still haven't offered her any kind of compensation...are you mad yet? Good.....you can read the whole post HERE and sign the PETITION for the ACID "Commission it, Don't Copy it" Campaign.

If you are a designer or a design lover PLEASE take the time to support Rachael in her fight...thank you xxx



  1. I read about this at the time, it's outrageous! Had hoped M&S would have sorted this out, paid and credited her by now - this kind of thing is just not ok! Bah. x

  2. Oh my goodness, that's terrible! This sort of thing happens way too often! x

  3. Ugh...I am so sick of seeing this happen over and over again and am stunned that M&S has not sorted this out by now!

  4. that is RIDICULOUS! i'm sure they'll remove it from their collection soon. the press will be too bad. i've had probs with big names before but M&S? I'm shocked! x


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