Wednesday, 1 August 2012

a new month and some new work...

Hello August! Please, please, please let the weather actually be summer like for longer than a week! Even if it isn't I hope my new pattern collection called 'blooms & buttons' will brighten your day with it's happy colours...if you wish to see any of the patterns in their full size pop by my Flickr page...

To brighten your whole month I have designed my first desktop wallpaper for you in the 'blooms & buttons' theme...just click on the image below and then right click the larger image to select 'set as desktop background.'
Hope you have a great month!x

All images Copyright Littletree Designs
Please do not Reblog without permission. Thanks x



  1. Gosh, you are so productive! Love the new designs! x

  2. Wow, so excited.Thank you so much for the desktop pattern, I am loving it.

  3. Ooh these are really gorgeous and I love the desktop wallpaper, what a nice idea. Can't wait to try it. xx


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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