Tuesday, 31 July 2012

littletree loves...the lumineers

Hello lovely blog peeps! Today is my birthday so this is just a quick post before I'm off out and about! Now I have never done a music post before but my good friend Sara introduced me to this band a few weeks ago and I am totally smitten! If you haven't heard of The Lumineers then I urge you to give them a listen, especially if you like stuff by Mumford and Sons, they have that folky, stamp your feet, clap your hands vibe...so get up and jigging to my favourite track 'Ho Hey' x



  1. Love them Rebecca- off to listen to more! Thank you Jxx

  2. Happy birthday for yesterday! Hope you had a fab day! The song is lovely - the toddler was watching over my shoulder and just asked to see it again :-)


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