Monday, 30 July 2012

spot the chicken and the worlds tiniest egg!

Hello everyone! Thank you for all of your lovely comments on Friday, my spa day was amazing! I hope you all had a good weekend to? I'll tell you who did...the choocks! With the sunshine finally shining the chickens have been having a glorious time rooting around the garden for insects and general running about...they look so funny when they run! We have this large planted area of the garden so often if you look up and they seem to have disappeared this is where they usually are...most of the time you only see a bottom or the rustle of a bush like in the picture above!

Left: This is Abigail pretending to be a shrub...the red comb gives her away a bit! Right: Aggy and Annie sitting still for once...I love their little fluffy bottoms, I think they look like little victorian ladies in their bustles and bloomers!

With all of the cavorting around the garden there has been less laying than usual, but we did find one egg nestled among the shrubbery...look how TINY it is! It only measured 3cm high and the yolk was smaller than a fingernail!
And yes I did eat it...

Hope you have a good week friends, I may be around a bit less as it's my birthday week, so I have a few plans but don't worry I will still be posting! x



  1. Enjoy your birthday week. I hope it's filled with lots of sunshine and fun! And that egg is very sweet :-) x

  2. Wishing you a lovely birthday .... I am seriously contemplating getting some chickens later in the summer ... yours are very cute ... and that little egg ... what a lovely yellow yolk! Bee x

  3. Sorry just having catch up! That's the cutest little egg ever. Happy belated birthday, hope you had a great day. xx


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