Friday, 27 July 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Stretch Greeting Cards by Steven Lenton - No3 - From my Prints, Pattern and more... board

How cute is this little fella? And look below..there's a whole series of them! These cards by Steven Lenton have really made me chuckle, if only I had found them sooner I would have gotten a 2 and a 7 for my friends birthday next week! Who says they're just for kids?

I'm off on a spa day today (ooh... I hear you say) which is an early birthday present from a friend, I have never been to one before so I'm very excited! Hope you all have relaxing weekends and I will see you Monday!x

Stretch Greeting Cards by Steven Lenton



  1. These cards are great! Lovely for anniversaries too. Enjoy your spa day! x

  2. Love these .... great find .... would be cute as wall art in a playroom or a little ones bedroom :) Have a ball at the spa! Bee x

  3. They're so cute! Enjoy your spa day and have a great weekend. xx

  4. they're so cute! enjoy your spa! x


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