Thursday, 10 May 2012

spoonflower competition - retro kitchen

Hi blog peeps! Do you remember this pic of my doodles? (above) Well as it turned out the lovely people over at Spoonflower just happened to have a competition to enter patterns based on the theme Retro I'm either physic or that's one weird coincidence! So below I have taken a few screen shots of the design in it's development...the one stipulation was the colour palette which I do like, but found it tricky to work with, I guess that's the challenge! The competition ended Tuesday 8th but not sure when voting's the link to the contest page anyhow so if you could stop by sometime and vote for me that would be great! (voting is now open! VOTE HERE)

I named the design 'retro kitchen - let's bake!' so I have even more ideas for another range maybe more cooking utensils like pots and pans etc...I think I will definitely turn it into a print and maybe even a set of tea towels? One in the full repeat one with the detail...(like below) Maybe even recipe cards? What do you think? Not sure about colours yet though, something clean and simple...any suggestions friends?x

All images copyright Littletree Designs. Please do not reproduce. 
If you wish to reblog/pin please link back directly to here, thanks!x


  1. Blimey, these are great! You've done a great job and I am definitely going to go and vote right now!

  2. PS I don't think voting is open yet - I couldn't see anything on their website so will check back soon! Good luck!

  3. will vote when it opens very good job!

  4. love the new print, and the colours you picked! x

  5. So awesome, Rebecca! I love that you showed screen shots of your process as well. Voting for you today!

  6. Wow! Fabulous design - hope you win! :)

  7. I have voted for your lovely design - good luck s x

  8. It looks fabulous! Will head over to vote right now... x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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