Friday, 11 May 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

picture taken my me...

Hello Friday! Today I am off to a friends wedding so I want all of you to cross your fingers and hope that the rain stays away for them!

One of this weeks e-course tasks was to use either our own holiday snaps or images from the internet to help us create colour if you visit here often you will know that I put together colour palettes from images all the time but very rarely use my own this one above is from my trip to Venice a few years ago. I love the soft purple and green/blue hues that, to be honest, I hadn't noticed before!

Anyhoo I still went 'exploring' on pinterest for other fabulous destination pics for colour inspiration and I ended up back visiting one of my favourite pinners (and colour fanatic) Chloe Douglas...the board called 'travel lust & colourful places' is exactly as described...each picture has you thinking 'wish I was here!' and then enlarging the picture as big as you can so you can kind of imagine being there...just me? Ok...well I have picked a few of my colour and destinations favourites from her board to share today and if the weather has been as bad for you as it has for us in the UK then hopefully it will remind you that the sun does still exsist! Have a great weekend friends xxx

Beautiful door in India
San Miguel de Allende - Mexico
The Saguaro Hotel - Palm Springs
Kochia Hill, Hitachinaka City - Japan
Blue Doors - Morocco (by Miguel Flores)
Lucknow - India
Incredible train tunnel in the Ukraine. Photography by Oleg Gordienko.

And just to prove there can still be colour even on a rainy day in London.....

Neals Yard - London

As usual click on the link above to take you to the board and sources.x


  1. Wow! Those are some amazing colours and images. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the wedding. x

  2. OOHHH Thankyou for all the lovely colours. Enjoy yourselves.

  3. Gorgeous photo Rebecca and lots of lovely other picks. Enjoy the wedding! x

  4. love your photo from venice, what beautiful colours! I will check out Chloe's pinterest board too, love the mint room and the palm springs hotel. Enjoy the wedding x

  5. I long to travel somewhere colourful and go wild with my camera! Thank you for this means of escape!

  6. Wow, the colours here are so brilliant!

  7. Amazing colourful pictures and I love your photo and colour palette. Hope you enjoyed the wedding and are having a great weekend. Xx


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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