Wednesday, 9 May 2012

littletree's blog crush...craftgawker/foodgawker

Hello all, thank you for the lovely comments on my e-course update post yesterday. Today I have two amazing 'crushes' to share with you, Craftgawker and you may already know about these great sites through other blogs or pinterest but have you ever visited the actual sites? Me neither. So I stopped by and boy oh boy...I was not disappointed!

The sites are essentially a collection of the best craft diy's/free printables/how to's and foodie recipes from across the blogisphere...all in one place for you to browse at your leisure! Pretty convenient huh? I warn you now that you will need to put aside some serious time to sit and look at these sites as you will get sucked in as you pour over page after page of craft and food inspiration...hopefully I haven't started you on a new internet addiction, if I have then I'm sorry, but I'm in the same boat!

Right...back to work now...must not look at the pretty pictures anymore...oh ok one more won't hurt...x

screen shot from craftgawker

screen shot from foodgawker


  1. i love love love foodgawker! soooo yummy!
    have you seen the sister sites, wedding and home too?

    1. No I haven't, ooh the home one sounds great! Thanks louise!x

  2. oh no something else for me to waste my time on, yup the house is looking good too, thanks for sharing these! x

  3. I love Craftgawker and am always bookmarking things to make (not that I ever do but you never know!). x

  4. Thanks for the shout out Rebecca!

    Maria at gawkerverse


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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