Wednesday, 4 April 2012

oh what a lovely drinks cabinet...

Hello again blog friends, how are we all? I got this lovely drinks cabinet recently from a friends mum, it belonged to her mum and is rather sentimental to them all but no-one had any place for it to go so I have taken it on and I am honoured to have it for the next phase of it's life as it is a lovely piece of furniture. It has an unusual curved shape to the front and I love the pattern on the glass doors, amazingly none of the glass is damaged but the body isn't in the best shape...the wood veneer is quite bad on top and faded on the sides so I think a coat of paint would be best. Only problem is...what colour?! I don't have a specific place for it to go so can't match it to the do I go super neutral with white, a grey or colour? I'm lost!

Image from alice apple

This lovely cabinet was done by Alice of the alice apple blog and I think the white looks great and makes her china really stand out, which is what I will probably display in mine. So I thought maybe white for the inside and colour outside? Do you have any ideas or pics of re-vamped cabinets I could use for inspiration? I really need some help!x


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog :)

    Hmm, tough isn't it? I quite like what Alice has done with hers, especially if the china you want to display is coloured. Safe option would be white, naughty option would be colour. Maybe a soft yellow.

    I love how the timber is curved, don't see that very often!

  2. It's such a beautiful piece of furniture! Lucky you! I love colour so I'd be tempted to paint it a colour. I've been seeing loads of awesome pastel coloured furniture around lately. Not usually my cup of tea but it looks so nice. Check out Design Sponge's before and after section, or the Yvsetown blog also has some nice goodies. Looking forward to the after pics! x


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