Thursday, 5 April 2012

littletree bakes...chocolate egg nests

With Easter approaching, plenty of Mini Eggs in the shops and a box of Cornflakes in the cupboard what else was I to do other than make the classic Easter Chocolate Egg Nests?! Plus is there anything better than melting looks sooo good! And I had these super cute pastel coloured cupcake cases left over from another bake, perfect for an Easter treat...Now I'm sure you guys all know how to make these but just incase here is a quick how-to...

  • Melt a bar of good Chocolate in a heat proof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water.
  • Once the Chocolate has melted turn off the heat and gradually add in your Cornflakes* a little at a time until all the chocolate is coating the flakes and not the bowl.
  • Spoon into cases and press in the Chocolate Eggs whilst warm. Leave to cool or pop in the fridge for 30mins or so...too long and they will be too hard to bite into!
  • Store in a tin in a cool place but not the fridge...Enjoy!
       *You can also use large Shredded Wheat crumbled up for a real 'nest' like look.

...Hope you give them a go they really are the best thing about Easter in my book! Have a good day!x 


  1. Yum I love them. Please can you post me some as I have the worst cold ever and I can't be bothered to move off the sofa! Happy Easter! x

    1. Oh no! Rubbish cold :( I would post you some if there were any left! I made them Tuesday and they never last long as I'm sure you can imagine! Really hope you feel better soon, drink tea lot's of tea!x

  2. So cute! I didn't know this recipe :-)
    I knew sthg similar called desert sand roses but these nests are sooo much funny!
    X Aurélie

  3. Oh yum, those looks fabulous Rebecca! And I really like your cake stand too! x

  4. ooh these are brilliant, thank you for sharing :) I'm so glad to have discovered your lovely blog -- off to explore your adorable shop!


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