Tuesday, 3 April 2012

a little Easter DIY...

Hello all, Easter is almost here so this DIY is probably a little late but it is such a good idea I just had to share it! These fab mini magnetic tins are from Ikea, meant for spices I think, but the lovely lady from punkt.punkt.komma.strich has turned them into these cute little Easter dioramas! I found this DIY through the Ikea Hackers blog which then lead to the original blog post...such a clever idea isn't it!? You could do all sorts of different displays in them to liven up your fridge or at Christmas they could be used as an advent calendar, put the numbers in the back and fill with sweets or chocolates? What do you think?x

All Images from punkt.punkt.komma.strich


  1. that's a really good find, what a good idea! I think it would have to be chocolates in there for me :-)

  2. Those little chicks are cute, I bought some myself yesterday for making a little 'nest' to put the chocoholic's Easter eggs in. I love your idea of an Advent calendar, far better than the commercial ones! x


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