Wednesday, 18 April 2012

feeling like a holiday is needed...

All above images from Plenty of Colour

Hello everyone, I've been feeling very much in need of a holiday this week and although I have one booked for June it just can't come around quick enough! So I have made do with staring at these beautiful pictures of Mexico over on the Plenty of Colour site run by Chloe Douglas. Her site is indeed packed with colour and she has some fab Pinterest boards too! So many wonderful colours I just had to put together a little palette...

In keeping with the Mexican theme I'm also drooling over these Fish Taco's I pinned from the Rhi-Creations blog run by Rhianna. The taco's are accompanied with fresh Peach Salsa and Lime Sour amazing does that sound?! Click on the link above for the recipe...if you like what you see Rhianna has a food blog too, check it out here... Hope you have enjoyed this little trip down Mexico way with me! x

Image from Rhi-Creations taken by Rhianna


  1. Lovely pics! I was with a friend at a Mexican restaurant last night :-)

  2. Fantastic colours espeially on such a grey wet day! Thank you for brightening up my afternoon.
    Also love the patterns you are working on in the post below.

  3. I agree, these are really cheering up my dreary grey day!

  4. Yum! Cheered up to! Jx

  5. Ooh I'm glad I could cheer a few people up on this grey old week!x


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