Tuesday, 17 April 2012

new patterns...the little house on the hill

copyright littletree designs

Hello again, I have a little sneeky peek of a new pattern range I have been working on, it's more child friendly than my normal work and as usual it all started with a doodle! I thought it might look good as fabric made into a patchwork quilt once I have designed a few more co-ordinates, what do you think? x


  1. Really fab- I am always sold on green. These are great! Jx

  2. Love this!I particularly like the pink tree colourway - can imagine it on my daughter's blinds x

  3. I love these Rebecca - gorgeous!

  4. They're lovely! Great colour combo too. x

  5. Thanks for the lovely feedback guys! xxx


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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