Thursday, 19 April 2012

pinterest pick of the week...on a thursday...

Hello all, now you are probably thinking 'hey, it's not friday!' but this week I am doing our pinterest picks a day early...tomorrows post will explain all I promise! Back to today though and my new found love of these little guys...foxes! They are definitely the new owls on the 'block' and I have found the perfect board from Sarah Eaton called Foxy Foxy to share a few favourites!

How cute is this little guy?! As usual click on the links above to go to the boards and the sources...
See you back here tomorrow for a little treat!x


  1. Thanks for this - my little girl wants a 'foxie-loxie' cake for her birthday in May. How difficult is that - may be able to do simple one like the shape of the last picture - just need to make a square and round cake I guess and cut them in to size with loads of white and orange butter icing ...

  2. All so lovely, especially the little figurine. x


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