Friday, 9 September 2011

pinterest pick of the week...

Happy Friday! This week I thought I would start something new for Fridays and launch a regular post called 'Pinterest Pick of the Week!' Now generally I try and keep away from Pinterest during the day or I tend to get lured in by all the pretty pictures...but come the evening when all my chores are done I do like to have a little peek at the various and always inspiring collections. And so this post idea was born! Instead of picking just one image (so hard!) I thought I would share a favourite board and some of the 'pins' from it with you!

This weeks 'Pick' is from Marta Miranda and the board is called Moustaches, it is such an unusual and quirky collection of prints, jewelry, cards, cups and glasses! I have chosen just a few of my favourites below, it has been a difficult one! Please click on the links above to view the whole board (and image sources) or for more of Marta's collections...x

and my absolute personal favourite...
How cool is this cat?! He certainly is the cats pajamas with that 'tache...hope you enjoyed my favourites, which ones were yours? What do you think of the new weekly post, good idea? Or maybe it's just an excuse for me to spend more time on I need it! Have a good weekend everyone x

1 comment:

  1. Love that idea. Weekly post based on pinterest images. I too get fixated on pic after pic, click after click... 6 hours later. oh boy :o)


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