Saturday, 10 September 2011

littletree discovers...sweet paul magazine

image from sweet paul

Just a quick share for the weekend but I couldn't resist! Having a browse around this morning I saw over on Bright Bazaar that the new Fall 2011 issue 6 of Sweet Paul Magazine was coming out I have heard rumblings about said magazine but have never got around to having a look! So today being Saturday and perfect for a leisurely browse I popped over to Sweet Paul's blog (also fab reading) and had a look through the Summer 2011 issue...well that was a few hours ago now so I think you can guess that I liked the magazine! So much so I had to go right back to first issue in Spring 2010 and read all the way through to the most recent! The magazine has such a lovely mix of food, craft, interiors and styling ideas not to mention that it is just pretty to look at! So if you have a little spare time (a few hours...) over the weekend I urge you to pop over and browse a few of the back issues, you won't be disappointed. x

1 comment:

Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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