Thursday, 8 September 2011

littletree bakes (cooks)...butternut squash soup

Afternoon to everyone, I just couldn't resist sharing my delicious lunch with you today, a wonderfully creamy butternut squash is just amazing! It comes from the Philadelphia cookbook, which I think we got free when you bought so many packs of has some surprisingly good recipes! This soup is the recipe that's had the most use because it's so simple to make and I love squashes! So this soup is ideal for the autumn and it also has some unusual ingredients such as cinnamon and nutmeg which may sound weird but they really add a unique flavour unlike anything else! For me it is the wonderful rich orangey colour that you know is going to be comforting, just what I needed for a grey day like this!x

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Must be delicious! Will try it soon!



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