Tuesday, 14 January 2014

is it really 2014!?

So as you may have noticed I haven't been around in a while! I'm sure many of you fellow bloggers will understand that 24/7 blogging can get tiring and I think I just lost my enthusiasm for it. Plus I didn't want to blog about any old stuff just to fill the days. So from now on you may see less of me but I will still pop in with news and inspiration from time to time!

First of all I hope you all had lovely Christmases (is that a word!?) and New Years and the weather where you are hasn't been too bad...I'm not sure I could cope with the freezing temperatures some places in America had!

Second I have some exciting news...for the past few months I have been collaborating on a project with Rachel Jones who runs online store Vintage Actually. She contacted me a while ago about using some of my designs to print onto up-cycled tabletops which was exciting as it combined two of my big passions...design and retro furniture! 

It has taken some time and testing (and stretching my Photoshop skills to the limit!) but the first table is finished and I must say it looks great! I can't show you the picture yet but here is a photo of a tester table Rachel shared on Twitter...

photo by Rachel Jones/Vintage Actually

...it got a great response so I'm hoping they will be a success! In the mean time why don't you pop by Rachels shop Vintage Actually to drool over the other retro gems she has in store...you won't be disappointed!

Rebecca x



  1. Good to see you Rebecca, the table looks great. x

  2. Those are fab! Well done Rebecca. I love that store. Nice to have you back too and I'm taking the same path blogwise - quality rather than quantity! X

  3. Nice to see you back Rebecca! Cute table :-)

  4. Aww thanks for the kind words ladies! It's nice to be back, I have missed blogland and all the nice virtual friends I've made here...x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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