Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Etsy...New Shop Discoveries!

I found these three great Etsy shops in only the past few days, strange how it works like that isn't it? I love each of these products so much I just had to share them with you. Any friends/family reading this...major present hints!

1// Being permanently cold during the winter months fingerless gloves are a neccessity for me, especially working at the computer all day! These funky multi coloured ones by Rainbow Mittens are right up my street and I love the tiny band of blue around the thumb...

2// Ok so these Safari Tape Holders are the cutest things EVER! Such a fun way to display all those pretty washi tapes...I love the lion, ooh and the rhino...and the deer...well all of them really!

3// These male/female signs made from acrylic, topped with japanese papers and resin to look like ceramic tiles from Mooza are so clever and of course pretty! I would be happy to stick them up on my bathroom door...or any door! They also do letters too...



  1. Oh my word, those finds are adorable! I need the deer and elephant tape holders in my life! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing Rebecca, hope you're well x

  2. Hey Rebecca - Just wondering if you are ok? Was only thinking the other day that you hadn't blogged in a while - look forward to finding out what you have been up to and Happy New Year. S : )

    1. Only just seen your comment Stephanie! Thanks so much for thinking of me and I hope you spotted my post yesterday. xx


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