Tuesday, 30 April 2013

littletree's instagram...car booty!

follow me on instagram here / @littletreerg

Hello friends...a little snapshot of my immense haul of goodies from this weekends car boot! It was our first of the season, as the weather has of course been so rubbish, and it did not disappoint! 

(Clockwise from Top Left) Accessorize Scarf £4 // 2 Jamie Magazines 20p // Grey and Mustard stripe jumper 50p // Mend It! book 50p // Retro pinboard £2.50. I think I did pretty well! 

I love the pinboard with its little plastic pouches for pens and envelopes etc. And the Mend It! book will definitely come in handy for future projects...oh and of course the scarf, I don't think it had ever been worn! Can you tell I'm happy that car boot season is back? x


Friday, 26 April 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Handy tips and Ideas...

An insanely useful conversion chart for us Brits (and anyone else!) who don't measure things in cups when baking! Plus I finally know how much a 'stick' of butter weighs...This genius little guide was put together by Hannah of The Littlest Bakehouse, she also has guides for Seasonal Food and Volume, Weight and Oven Temperature Conversions. Plus of course being a food blog The Littlest Bakehouse is packed with scrummy recipes...Check them all out HERE. Have a nice weekend people let's hope it is a sunny as the last one! x


Thursday, 25 April 2013


Cat Print by Mark B

How cute is this little cat print? I came across it on Pinterest the other night and immediately had to learn more...the print is from Etsy shop wintersmoke and designed by Mark B who has a whole menagerie of animal prints for sale! Each print comes with the option of 7 different coloured backgrounds so you can pick the colour that best suits your space, such a simple and clever idea. Apart from the Cat print above (which is definitely my favourite!) here are a few of my other picks from the wintersmoke shop...x

Fox Print by Mark B
Raccoon Print by Mark B
Tan Pug Print by Mark B

All images copyright Mark B from the wintersmoke Etsy shop


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

littletree makes...pretty paper flowers

This is my first make for my new home! Do you like them? I came up with the idea because I had all this beautiful paper from the Homemaker Magazine supplements and we had just bought 10m of garden wire...it was possibly a bit for the project in mind so I figured my mum wouldn't miss a few feet. Do you like my tile vase? I got it in Lisbon at this AMAZING interiors store called Area (along with a few other things...) I could have bought the whole store. Anyway enough rambling...here's the how-to for the flowers. Let me know if you give them a go! x

First cut a variety of squares from pretty paper that range between 4-7cms.

1// Fold the square of paper in half diagonally.

2// Half again.   3// And again...

4// Cut a rough petal shape.   5// Unfold to reveal your flower.

6// Once you have your flowers play around with what colour and patterns work well together and then pick a button for the center. Just remember that you need your wire to fit through the button holes.

7// Layer up your flowers and button then using a large needle punch guide holes through the button and paper.

8// Thread your wire through the back of the flower, through the button and then fold over through the other button hole. (This is a bit tricky depending on the thickness of the wire.)

9// Poke wire through to the back and wrap around the longer length of wire to secure.

Arrange in your chosen vase/jug/jar and admire!

All photos and images copyright Littletree Designs

Monday, 22 April 2013

May Calendar...

copyright Littletree Designs // Download for print HERE

A nice bright way to start the week...with a new calendar you can download and print designed by yours truly! I blogged about this project (created by my e-course friend Majo) back in January and it is now my calendars turn...can you believe May is almost upon us? This year is flying! Anyway pop by Majo's blog HERE to get your free May calendar and I hope you all have a fantastic week friends. x


Friday, 19 April 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Food stuff...

Hellooo Friday! Wow it has been a busy week...helping my sister move flat, a day out in London, wielding an axe yesterday to dig up a large root in the garden and of course the never ending painting and decorating in the house! So to get some of my energy back I plan on making these delicious looking Mango Cashew Sunshine Bites from my current fave food blog My New Roots. This blog is packed with healthy nutritious recipes that all sound as scrummy as the last...but first on my list has to be these sunshine bites. Mango, cashew, coconut, a hint of lime and healthy too? Oooh yes please! Hope you all have great weekends and I'll see you next week. x


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

equality for all...

Products for sale on Society6  //  All images copyright Majo BV

Hello all, you may have noticed a small button that has appeared on the left coloumn of the blog that says 'Equality'...it has been designed by my fellow e-course friend Majo in her bid to help raise money and awareness for marriage equality.

This is a cause she is passionate about, as am I, so she has designed a variety of buttons you can share on your own blog or you can purchase a variety of items from Majo's Society6 shop, the money from the sales will go towards the cause. You can read more HERE on Majo's blog...I hope you decide to support this great cause too. x


Monday, 15 April 2013

littletree loves...Matalan Tea Towels

1//  2//  3//  4//

Happy Monday blog friends, hope you had a good weekend...I did lots of painting, we are getting there gradually! Now I don't know about you but I seem to be seeing Matalan homeware products pop up in all the interior magazines at the moment so I thought I would stop by and check out their ranges...I immediately fell for these fab and fun 'Tea' towels and at 2 for £2 such a bargain too! 

I think the reason I love these so much is that they satisfy my love for drinking tea and pattern all in one! My favourite has to be the green 'fancy a brew?' design...which one do you like? Anyway I hope you have a good week, I'm off to make a cuppa! x


Wednesday, 10 April 2013


source unknown

This is very much how I'm feeling about life right now! Apart from my burst of creativity last week I have done bugger all this year work-wise...I had all these grand plans to finally finish a website and be happy with it, finish pattern collections by adding co-ordinates, mock-ups etc... Add stuff to my Etsy shop which has now been empty for aaages, send my work to Print & Pattern, just generally get my life in order! But instead I'm faffing around and getting zero done...do you ever have days when you work and work but get nothing done? x

ps-if you recognise this pic please let me know and I will credit it properly

Thursday, 4 April 2013

new collection and new blog banner...

You may remember last week I posted about a new design collection I was working on? Well from my simple sketchbook doodles this is the collection that has developed so far!

all designs copyright littletree designs

I'm so pleased with how the designs turned out that I have chosen to use one for this months blog banner! It seems appropriate for April as it has a fun fresh spring vibe...not that we are getting much spring! 

More snow here today, getting a little fed up now...but at least it gives me a good excuse to work in bed under a blanket! Hope wherever you are the weather is slightly better...x  

copyright littletree designs


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

colour inspiration...'lily pad hues'

original artwork by Allan P Freidlander HERE

So this weekend the clocks went forward and it is officially summertime, apparently...not that you would know it with the snow flurries we've been having over the easter weekend! Mind you if I owned one of Allan P Friedlanders' wonderful Waterlily paintings, like this beauty above, it would always feel like summer. Just look at those gorgeous turquoise tones and pops of peach and pink...how could I resist not putting a little colour palette together? Have a great week everyone and let's hope spring arrives soon! x
