Tuesday, 30 April 2013

littletree's instagram...car booty!

follow me on instagram here / @littletreerg

Hello friends...a little snapshot of my immense haul of goodies from this weekends car boot! It was our first of the season, as the weather has of course been so rubbish, and it did not disappoint! 

(Clockwise from Top Left) Accessorize Scarf £4 // 2 Jamie Magazines 20p // Grey and Mustard stripe jumper 50p // Mend It! book 50p // Retro pinboard £2.50. I think I did pretty well! 

I love the pinboard with its little plastic pouches for pens and envelopes etc. And the Mend It! book will definitely come in handy for future projects...oh and of course the scarf, I don't think it had ever been worn! Can you tell I'm happy that car boot season is back? x



  1. Oh love that pin board too, lucky you.

  2. What great finds, I have that pinboard too which I also found at a car boot and love it! x

  3. Great finds ... love the pinboard ... it is amazing what treasure lurks in a carboot ... Bee x


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