Wednesday, 17 April 2013

equality for all...

Products for sale on Society6  //  All images copyright Majo BV

Hello all, you may have noticed a small button that has appeared on the left coloumn of the blog that says 'Equality' has been designed by my fellow e-course friend Majo in her bid to help raise money and awareness for marriage equality.

This is a cause she is passionate about, as am I, so she has designed a variety of buttons you can share on your own blog or you can purchase a variety of items from Majo's Society6 shop, the money from the sales will go towards the cause. You can read more HERE on Majo's blog...I hope you decide to support this great cause too. x


1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for sharing and supporting the cause Rebecca… it means a lot! :D


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